Office of the Press Secretary
January 29, 1998
The President today will meet with the Department of Defense's top leadership, including the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs, and Senior Operational Commanders (CINCs). The President meets with the CINCs twice annually to review key issues within the various regional commands.
The Unified Combatant Commands are joint commands, meaning they incorporate forces from all of the military services -- Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. There are five commands based on the regions of the world (European, Southern, Pacific, Central and Atlantic Commands) and four based on specific functions (Space, Strategic, Transportation and Special Operations). In addition to the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Chiefs of the Military Services, other attendees include the commander of U.S. forces in Korea and the Commandant of the Coast Guard.
Today's meeting is a discussion of key defense issues and regional security concerns identified by the Department of Defense, military services and operational commands.
In addition to the meeting, the President will address the students and faculty of the National Defense University (representing both the National War College and Industrial College of the Armed Forces) and will host the CINCs at a dinner this evening at the White House.
See attachment for list of participants
President Clinton
Samuel Berger, National Security Advisor
James Steinberg, Deputy National Security Advisor
Major General Donald Kerrick, Deputy Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs Leon Fuerth, National Security Advisor for the
Vice President
Robert Bell, Special Assistant to the President and
Senior Director for Defense Policy and Arms Control
William Cohen, Secretary of Defense
John Hamre, Deputy Secretary of Defense
General Henry Shelton, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Ralston, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dennis Reimer, Chief of Staff, Army General Charles Krulak, Commandant, Marine Corps Admiral Jay Johnson, Chief of Naval Operations General Michael Ryan, Chief of Staff, Air Force Admiral Robert Kramek, Commandant, Coast Guard
General John Tilelli, USA, U.S. Forces Korea Admiral Joseph Prueher, USN, Pacific Command General Eugene Habiger, USAF, Strategic Command General Wesley Clark, USA, European Command General Walter Kross, USAF, Transportation Command General Howell Estes, USAF, Space Command Admiral Harold Gehman, USN, Atlantic Command General Anthony Zinni, USMC, Central Command General Charles Wilhelm, USMC, Southern Command General Peter Schoomaker, USA, Special Operations Command