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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 12, 2001
                        REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT
                              TO THE PRESS
                       AFTER HIS MEDICAL CHECK-UP

                        Bethesda Naval Hospital
                           Bethesda, Maryland

Q How did it go, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Very well. My eyes are still dillated, so I have to be a little careful. They're a little foggy out here.

But before I leave, I would just like to thank the Bethesda Naval Hospital for the wonderful care they have given to me and to members of my family over these last eight years. This is a terrific place and these people have been great to me, not only in all my physicals, but when I was so badly injured and on other occasions when I or someone in my family needed it. I'm very, very grateful to them.

Q How is the knee?

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, my knee is great. My knee is great. You'll get a report. My cholesterol is a little too high because I haven't exercised and I ate all that Christmas dessert. But in six months it will be back to normal. (Laughter.) I knew I was doing it, but what the heck. It was my last time and I wanted to enjoy it.

Thank you.