Office of the Press Secretary
PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES NINA J. STEWART AS A MEMBER OF THE SECURITY POLICY ADVISORY BOARD President Clinton today announced his intent to re-appoint Nina J.
Stewart as a member of the Security Policy Advisory Board.
Ms. Nina J. Stewart, of Dallas, Texas, has served on the Security Policy Advisory Board since March 29,1996. Ms. Stewart is a consultant to both public and private organizations on issues of national security, intelligence and security countermeasures. She has served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures, Executive Director of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and Executive Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence.
The purpose of the Security Policy Advisory Board is to serve as an independent and non-governmental advisory body on U.S. security policy and to provide a non-governmental and public interest perspective on security initiatives to the Security Policy Board and the intelligence community.