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Announces That Over 3.3 Million Children Are Enrolled; Urges States to
Finish the Job
January 6, 2001
Today, in his weekly radio address, President Clinton will announce that
new state-reported data document that at least 3.3 million children are
now enrolled in the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) --
a 70 percent increase over the 1999 level. To further increase
enrollment, the President will unveil a set of regulations that promote
outreach by allowing states to use information on school lunch
applications to find uninsured children and to immediately enroll
children in Medicaid and SCHIP at schools, child care referral centers
and other convenient sites while their applications are formally
processed. They also make it easier for states to help families enroll
their children in private, employer-based insurance with SCHIP
assistance. The President will urge states to adopt these new options
without delay and finish the job of enrolling every eligible, uninsured
child in Medicaid or SCHIP.
President will announce that 3.3 million children have enrolled in SCHIP
over the past year -- a significant step towards his goal of covering 5
million uninsured children. Specifically, the new report shows:
70 percent increase in enrollment nationwide. In FY 2000, 3.3
million children nationwide received health insurance through SCHIP, a
70 percent increase over the nearly 2 million children enrolled in 1999
levels. This does not include the increase in Medicaid enrollment of
children that has resulted from general outreach efforts and new options
to improve Medicaid coverage.
Enrollment tripled in three states and more than doubled in 11
states over the past year. Enrollment more than tripled in Montana,
North Dakota, and Wisconsin and more than doubled in Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, Texas, Virginia,
and West Virginia. Enrollment increased by at least a third in 44 of
states during that time.
25 percent increase in states with eligibility set at or above 200
percent of the poverty level. At the end of FY 2000, 33 States had
approved plans in place to provide SCHIP coverage to children with
family incomes at or above 200 percent of the Federal poverty level,
compared with 25 states that had implemented coverage to 200 percent at
the end of FY 1999.
MORE NEEDS TO BE DONE TO FINISH THE JOB. Millions of children remain
uninsured, most of whom are eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP. Reasons why
children remain uninsured include:
Lack of awareness of eligibility. Many parents believe that
working or not receiving welfare disqualifies their children from
getting Medicaid or SCHIP insurance. One study found that nearly three
in five parents of uninsured children do not believe that their children
would qualify despite being income eligible. Others do not even know
options exist -- especially with SCHIP which is new and targets working
families that typically do not qualify for other public programs.
Difficult renewal and enrollment process. While states, the
Administration and Congress have made great strides in making it easy
for parents to enroll their children, barriers remain. These include,
in some states, long applications or renewal forms with complicated
eligibility rules; requirement for in-person interviews -- often at
inconvenient times and places; different processes within states for
Medicaid and SCHIP applications; and limits on enrolling children in
Medicaid at sites like schools.
ENROLL ELIGIBLE CHILDREN IN SCHIP. Today, President Clinton will
announce the release of two new regulations: the final rule governing
SCHIP and a rule implementing the new option to use school lunch program
data to help enroll children in Medicaid. Among other things, these
Provide new options to find and enroll uninsured children through
school lunch programs. A recent study by the Urban Institute found that
approximately 60 percent of the uninsured children nationwide -- are
currently enrolled in school lunch programs. This regulation allows
school lunch programs, including the National School Lunch Program; the
Special Milk Program for Children; the Summer Food Service Program; the
Child and Adult Care Food Program; and the Free and Reduced Price Meals
and Milk in Schools Program to share application information with
Medicaid staff for the sole purpose of outreach and enrollment (this is
already allowed for SCHIP). This strategy may prove one of the most
efficient at targeting eligible, uninsured children.
Broaden presumptive eligibility to additional sites like child care
referral centers. Over half of the parents of uninsured children do not
enroll their children in Medicaid because the process is too long. In
fact, over 60 percent tried to enroll their children but did not
complete the process because it was too complicated or confusing. The
new SCHIP regulation gives states the flexibility to use additional
sites to determine presumptive eligibility: schools, child care centers,
homeless shelters, entities that determine eligibility for Medicaid,
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and SCHIP, and other entities
approved by the Secretary. This builds on the 1997 option that allows
states to let Medicaid providers, those determining eligibility for
Women Infants, and Children, Head Start and Child Care & Development
Block Grant services to grant presumptive eligibility for children.
This option provides critical health care services to children awaiting
final enrollment and increases the likelihood that families complete the
application process.
Increase state flexibility and protects beneficiary rights. The new
SCHIP rule provides more flexibility for states to cover eligible
children through employer-sponsored insurance, reducing employer
incentives to drop dependent coverage. It also ensures that: children
have basic patient protections in managed care; application assistance
is provided; enrollment materials are linguistically appropriate;
eligibility is determined within 45 days; citizenship can be
self-declared; public notification is given for changes in eligibility
standards and enrollment processes; and "crowd-out" policies are less
rigid for states and families.
CHILDREN'S HEALTH. President Clinton and Vice President Gore have a
longstanding commitment to children's health. Because of the targeted
Clinton-Gore coverage expansion strategy and a strong economy, the
number of uninsured declined last year by 1.7 million, two-thirds of
whom were children. The Clinton-Gore Administration launched a
nationwide "Insure Kids Now" Outreach Campaign in 1998 that established
a new toll-free number for children's health insurance outreach
(1-877-KIDS NOW), which has received 447,000 calls through November
2000. This campaign also ran public service announcements on national
television and radio; printed the Insure Kids Now toll-free number on
commonly used products like grocery bags, toothbrushes, and diaper
boxes; received a commitment from H&R Block to modify their tax software
to alert families who appear to be eligible for SCHIP about the program
in the upcoming tax season; a notice on letters from the Social Security
Administration encouraging the 34 million parents and grandparents who
receive Cost of Living Adjustments to learn more about SCHIP; and a
promotion of the Insure Kids Now toll-free number in the U.S. Postal
Service's moving guides. The President also created an Interagency Task
Force on Children's Health Insurance Outreach and launched a
back-to-school children's health outreach campaign that enlisted over
700 schools to conduct local outreach activities like signing up
children on parents' nights. The Administration proposed and, with
bipartisan Congressional support, passed an extension of a $500 million
fund for outreach; a continuous eligibility option in Medicaid to
prevent children from unnecessarily becoming uninsured; and greater
options for presumptive eligibility. The Administration also is working
with states to grant 1115 waivers to encourage innovation and allow
states with extra SCHIP funds to cover uninsured parents as well as
their uninsured children.