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                          RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP
                           December 29, 2000

     "More than any other nation in the world, we rely on a partnership
     between our government and our public and private research
     universities to conduct research that improves our economy, health,
     and national security, while also training our future science and
     technology workforce.  It is vitally important that this
     partnership be equitable and effective to sustain U.S. leadership
     across the frontiers of scientific knowledge."

                                                  President Bill Clinton
                                                  December 29, 2000

Research and education lie at the heart of this Administration's investment in America's future. That is why President Clinton has issued an Executive Order that strengthens the research partnership between American universities and the Federal government. The Executive Order establishes the principles that will provide the framework for the development and analysis of future Federal policies and regulations for the government-university research partnership. It also directs the Office of Science and Technology Policy to conduct regular reviews of the research partnership in full consultation with all stakeholders.

One of the hallmarks of the U.S. research enterprise is the reliance on public and private universities to perform basic research in the national interest. Government supported basic research at our nation's universities represents a dual investment in the future of the nation: helping to assure the health, security, and quality of life of our citizens, while also training our future scientific and technical workforce. Recognizing the importance of the synergy in this relationship and of its continued effectiveness, the President has established a set of principles to serve as a sound foundation for this partnership.

For the first time the common goals, rationale and objectives of the partnership are set forth. They are incorporated in four guiding principles:

The following operating principles are intended to assist agencies, universities, individual investigators, and auditing and regulatory bodies in implementing the guiding principles:

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