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December 15, 2000
The budget is a victory for President Clinton and Vice President Gore's
stand for fiscal discipline. By balancing competing needs and
maintaining fiscal discipline, the Fiscal Year 2001 budget continues the
successful strategy that has fostered the longest economic expansion in
the nation's history. America can stay on course to pay off the debt
held by the public by 2012 for the first time since Andrew Jackson was
The National Debt Quadrupled between 1981 and 1992. Between 1981
and 1992, the debt held by the public quadrupled. When President
Clinton took office in 1992, the budget deficit was $290 billion. In
1992, the deficit was projected to grow to more than $455 billion by
President Clinton's Tough Choices Led to Largest Surplus Ever. As
a result of the tough and sometimes unpopular choices made by President
Clinton -- including the deficit reduction legislation of 1993 and 1997
we have seen eight consecutive years of fiscal improvement for the
first time in America's history. Last year, the federal government has
a unified surplus of $237 billion, the largest ever. Federal spending as
a share of the economy is the lowest since 1966.
America Has Paid Down $363 Billion in Debt Held by the Public over
the Last Three Years, the Largest Debt Pay-Down Ever. The debt at the
end of FY 2000 was $2.4 trillion lower than it was projected to be in
the last forecast before the President's program was put in place. Under
the President's budget, publicly held debt can be eliminated by 2012.
This achievement has kept interest rates down and confidence and
investment up, contributing to the strongest American economy in
The Solvency of Social Security and Medicare Has Been Extended. In
his 1998 and 1999 State of the Union addresses, President Clinton called
on the nation to save the surplus until the solvency of Social Security
is assured, leading to a bipartisan consensus on saving the surplus and
paying down the debt. When President Clinton took office, Medicare was
expected to become insolvent in 1999, then only six years away. The
1993 deficit reduction act dedicated some of the taxes paid by Social
Security beneficiaries to the Medicare Trust Fund and extended the life
of Medicare by three years to 2002. Thanks to additional provisions to
combat waste, fraud and abuse and bipartisan cooperation in the 1997
balanced budget agreement, Medicare is now expected to remain solvent
until 2025.
The President Stopped Republican Attempts to Reverse this Fiscal
Discipline. The Republican Congress's policies would have threatened
the nation's fiscal discipline. According to Congress' own
calculations, the tax cuts House Republicans passed this year would have
cost $734 billion over 10 years, which with interest would have drained
over $900 billion from the surplus. The tax cuts passed this year and
those endorsed for next year by the Republican Party would drain over $2
trillion, more than the entire budget surplus (projected to be $1.8
trillion). Twice this year, President Clinton vetoed tax legislation to
maintain our fiscal discipline and prevent American from being plunged
back into deficits.
Debt Reduction Benefits the Economy and American Families. The
lower national debt:
Keeps investment and growth strong. With the government no longer
draining resources from capital markets, interest rates are lower and
businesses have more funds for productive investment. Paying off the
debt will continue to help fuel investment and productivity growth while
increasing productive capacity and restraining inflation.
Saves money for families. Because of the deficit and debt
reduction we have already done, a typical family can expect to save
$2,000 a year on their home mortgage.
Saves money for taxpayers. Currently we spend 12 cents of every
federal dollar on net interest payments. These payments, which were
once projected to grow to 25 percent of all federal spending in 2012,
can be completely eliminated by following the President's plan.
Prepares for retiring baby boomers. By paying off the debt,
eliminating interest payments, and dedicating the resulting benefits to
extending Medicare and Social Security solvency, debt reduction can free
up funds for investment and boost workers' productivity and incomes and
help the nation prepare for the challenge of the retiring baby boomers.
Over the past eight years, President Clinton and Vice President Gore
have invested more in our schools and demanded more from them. The
implementation of this approach has helped test scores rise. SAT and
ACT scores have also risen in the 1990s and are now at the highest level
in a quarter of a century, even as more minority, low-income, and
limited English proficient students take these tests. More students
than ever before are graduating from high school and enrolling in
college. This year, President Clinton and Vice President Gore again
delivered on their ambitious education agenda.
Building and Modernizing Schools. An estimated 3.5 million
students attend schools that need extensive repair or replacement.
Research shows that the physical structure of the school building
directly affects the ability of students to learn. President Clinton
fought for a federal investment in our schools because all students
deserve a safe, healthy, and modern place to learn. The final budget
$1.2 Billion for Urgent Repairs. The final budget includes a $1.2
billion initiative for emergency school renovation, based on the
proposal in President Clinton's budget. The Republican budget did not
provide dedicated funding for school renovation. The initiative will
help schools make much-needed repairs, such as roofs, heating and
cooling systems, and electrical wiring. The assistance would be targeted
to high-need districts and includes $75 million for public schools with
high concentrations of Native American students. Up to one-fourth of
the funds could be used for special education and technology.
Native American Schools. President Clinton has won $293 million --
a $160 million increase and more than double last year's level of $133
million -- to replace and repair BIA-funded schools on reservations.
This is the largest investment ever in a single year for BIA school
construction and repair. These schools have an $800 million backlog in
health, safety, and other critical needs.
Ensuring More High-Quality Teachers for Smaller Classes. The final
budget provides a $323 million increase to improve educational results
by reducing class size in the early grades to 18 or below with
well-qualified teachers in the early grades. These resources will keep
us on the path to our goal of hiring 100,000 high-quality teachers
across the country by 2005.
Increasing the Number of Children in After-School. The final
budget provides a $392 million increase for 21st Century Community
Learning Centers, nearly doubling funding to $846 million. This
initiative will provide more high-quality extended learning
opportunities for 1.3 million children, offering a safe place for
"latch-key" children to learn in the after-school hours.
Strengthening Accountability for Fixing Failing Schools. The budget
provides $225 million -- a $91 million increase -- to accelerate efforts
by states and school districts to improve accountability and turn around
failing schools. These resources will help states and districts invest
in proven reforms, such as research-based curricula, professional
development and smaller classes, to fix failing schools.
Strengthening Teacher Quality. The budget provides an increase of
almost $200 million to enhance teacher quality and make progress towards
ensuring a qualified teacher in every classroom. The agreement includes:
$485 million for Eisenhower Professional Development Grants to promote
professional development along with school and classroom-based
improvements linked to state standards and assessments; $45 million to
help states align teaching with their accountability systems under Title
I; $30 million to help recruit talented mid-career professionals and
college graduates into teaching while retaining more good teachers with
mentoring and other supports; and $15 million to train early childhood
educators and caregivers in advancing children's language and literacy
skills to help prevent later difficulties in learning and reading.
Expanding College Opportunity. More and higher quality education
is more important to economic opportunity than ever before. The final
budget includes key elements of the President's request for a $1 billion
boost in investments to make college more affordable for economically
disadvantaged students.
Largest Maximum Pell Grant Award Ever. Pell scholarships for needy
students are the foundation of student aid. The final budget provides
$8.8 billion for Pell Grants, increasing the maximum Pell Grant award
from $3,300 last year to $3,750. The maximum award has increased by 63
percent since President Clinton and Vice President Gore took office in
1993, when it was $2,300. The final budget also includes the
President's requested $60 million increase for Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grants, the largest increase in a decade.
Support for One Million Students To Work Their Way Through College.
The final budget includes the President's request for $1 billion for
Federal Work-Study to meet his commitment to allowing one million
students the opportunity to earn money for college through part-time
Early Intervention to Help Disadvantaged Students Prepare for
College. House Republicans proposed to freeze the President's GEAR UP
college preparation initiative for low-income students at $200 million,
a level that would have forced existing GEAR UP programs to scrap plans
to help 250,000 new disadvantaged 6th and 7th graders. The final budget
provides $295 million for GEAR UP, supporting state projects and
partnerships of colleges, high-poverty schools, and community
organizations, to help 1.2 million students aspire to and prepare for
college starting in the 7th grade.
TRIO and Key Elements of College Completion Challenge Grants. This
year, President Clinton's budget included the largest one-year ever
requested by any President. The final budget funds TRIO at $730 million
a $85 million increase, the second largest ever -- to help motivate
and prepare 765,000 low-income and first-generation-college students to
go to and stay in college. In addition, the budget includes key
elements of the President's College Completion Challenge Grants proposal
to provide additional scholarships, support services, and summer
programs to help more at-risk youth succeed in college.
Strengthening the Hispanic Education Action Plan. The budget
includes over $1 billion in increases to programs that help Latino
students succeed, including a $660 million increase for Title I grants
to school districts; a $91 million increase for Adult Education,
including $70 million for English Literacy/Civics; an additional $48
million for Bilingual Education; an $85 million increase for TRIO and a
$95 million increase for GEAR UP; and an $8 million increase for the
High School Equivalency and College Assistance Migrant Program.
Creating Smaller, Safer and More Successful High Schools. The
budget provides $125 million, an $80 million increase, to help create
smaller and more supportive learning environments in approximately 1,000
of the nation's largest high schools through innovations like
schools-within-schools or career academies that allow teachers to spend
more quality instructional time with students.
Expanding Public School Choice with More Support for Charter
Schools. This $45 million increase will support the start up of 450 new
or redesigned schools that offer enhanced public school choice and have
the flexibility to offer innovative educational programs in exchange for
greater accountability for student achievement. There was one charter
school at the start of this Administration. With this budget increase,
the Administration will have supported 2,800 charter schools. One of
the biggest stumbling blocks facing charter schools is the lack of
appropriate facilities, and the budget builds on the Clinton-Gore legacy
of support for charters and public school choice by creating a $25
million demonstration program that will allow nonprofit organizations to
leverage federal funds to help charter schools secure better facilities.
Promoting Safer Schools and Healthier Students. The budget
provides a $75 increase for Safe Schools/Healthy Students, to $222
million. The President launched this initiative in 1999 to provide
students, schools and communities the benefit of enhanced comprehensive
educational, mental health, social service, and law enforcement
services. Last year, $147 million was provided to 77 local education
authorities that established formal partnerships with local mental
health and law enforcement agencies.
Creating Economic Opportunities through Job Training. The budget
expands successful training programs and implements new ones focused on
providing needed training for young people, displaced workers and
individuals with disabilities.
Youth Opportunity Grants and Youth Training Activities Grants.
Youth Opportunity Grants are an initiative to provide comprehensive
employment and training assistance to all out-of-school young people in
high poverty areas. The final budget provides $275 million, enough to
serve an estimated 63,000 youth in high poverty areas. In addition, the
final budget provides a $102 million increase (to $1.1 billion) to the
Youth Activities Formula Grants, enough to provide job training and
summer job opportunities to roughly 660,000 disadvantaged young people.
Youthbuild. Through the Youthbuild program, 16-to-24-year-old
high-school dropouts rehabilitate and build housing for low-income and
homeless people. The program provides youth with education and
employment skills while expanding affordable housing. Funded at $60
million, the Youthbuild programs will provide opportunities for
approximately 3,400 trainees, 1,400 more than this year.
Job Corps. Job Corps is the nation's largest and most
comprehensive residential education and job training program targeted at
impoverished young people. The final budget increases Job Corps funding
by $42 million to $1.4 billion, helping 74,000 youth.
Universal Reemployment Initiative. This initiative includes the
Dislocated Worker program and new Reemployment Services grants. The $1.6
billion Dislocated Worker Training program provides training and support
services to help permanently dislocated workers return to productive,
unsubsidized employment. The final budget includes $25 million for
Reemployment grants that will provide services to 156,000 Unemployment
Insurance claimants to help them get jobs faster.
Promoting Responsible Reintegration for Young Offenders. The budget
provides $55 million for a new initiative in the Department of Labor to
help young offenders under the age of 35 successfully reintegrate into
the mainstream economy. Competitive grants will be made to partnerships
between the criminal justice system and local workforce investment
systems. Partnerships will coordinate with reentry partnerships and
reentry courts funded through the Department of Justice and substance
abuse and mental health funding from the Department of Health and Human
The number of children with parents who work outside of the home is
higher than ever before. In 1996, three out of four mothers with young
children worked outside of the home, compared to one in four in 1965.
During the Clinton-Gore Administration, funding for child care has more
than doubled. Still, many eligible children do not receive assistance.
The Clinton-Gore Administration proposed, fought for, and won major
components of a comprehensive child care initiative to address the
struggles our nation's working parents face in finding child care they
can afford, trust and rely on.
Providing More Children Access to Head Start than Ever Before.
President Clinton won $6.2 billion in funding for Head Start -- a $933
million increase over last year and the largest funding request ever
proposed or received for the program. It will provide access to Head
Start and Early Head Start for approximately 935,000 children in 2001,
and is a large step toward the goal of serving one million children in
2002. Head Start prepares low-income children for a lifetime of
learning and development by providing early, continuous and
comprehensive child development and family support services.
Helping More Low-Income Families Afford Child Care. The President
fought for an $817 million increase for the Child Care and Development
Block Grant, to $2 billion. This increase will enable the program to
provide child care subsidies for nearly 150,000 more children in 2001.
These new resources, combined with the child care funds provided in
welfare reform, will serve over 2.2 million children in 2001, an
increase of nearly 1 million since 1997. The Child Care and Development
Block Grant is the primary federal effort to help low-income families
pay for child care, helping low-income parents to work. The final
negotiations with Congress also included $272 million for improving the
quality of child care, $100 million of which must be used to improve the
quality of infant and toddler care; $10 million for child care research;
and $19 million for school-aged care and to improve information for
parents about child care in their communities, including $1 million for
a toll-free child care information hotline for parents.
Promoting Early Learning by Improving the Quality of Child Care.
At the beginning of this year, President Clinton called on Congress to
include an Early Learning Fund in the budget to help improve child care
quality and early childhood education for children under five years old.
The final budget included the Stevens-Kennedy Early Learning
Opportunities Act and provided $20 million to allow states to help
communities foster cognitive development, improve child care quality and
promote readiness for school. Resources could be used to: help child
care providers get training or certification; teach parents and
caregivers how to facilitate development of cognitive skills and
language comprehension; increase access to existing child care programs
by expanding the days or times that children are served; enhance
childhood literacy; improve quality of existing early learning programs
through recruitment, retention and professional development incentives;
and increase early learning opportunities for children with special
Encouraging the Pursuit of Higher Education by Offering College
Campus-Based Child Care. To enable low-income parents to pursue higher
education, the budget includes $25 million -- a $20 million increase
over last year's funding level -- to provide an additional 300 college
campuses with grants to support the establishment or expansion of child
care services for students. States may also use a share of the Child
Care and Development Block Grant for this purpose.
The President negotiated $35 billion in gross new investments over five
years in Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP beneficiaries and providers. He
also won a $5 billion investment in public health programs with the
Department of Health and Human Services, 16 percent above last year's
level, to strengthen the public health infrastructure, provide critical
prevention and treatment services to individuals with mental illness.
Overall, the Health and Human Services budget increased by nearly $9
billion (or 22 percent) this year and $23 billion (or 90 percent) since
1993. The budget will advance biomedical research with a historic
investment of $20.5 billion.
Investing in Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP Beneficiaries and
Providers. The budget enacts the Medicare, Medicaid and the State
Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Benefits Improvement and
Protection Act (BIPA), investing nearly $35 billion over five years to:
Improves Service to Medicare Beneficiaries, Including Preventative
Care. The bill expands Medicare's preventive benefits to include new
nutrition therapy and glaucoma screening and greater access to colon and
cervical cancer screening. It reduces the cost-sharing that
beneficiaries have to pay for hospital outpatient services; provides
permanent coverage of drugs that help prevent the rejection of organ
transplants; and facilitates the use of therapeutic adult day care
services for persons with Alzheimer's disease. It waives the 24-month
waiting period for Medicare for people with Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS).
Provides Health Coverage for Vulnerable Populations. The budget:
- Expands Medicaid coverage for people leaving welfare for work.
BIPA extends for another year a program that provides health care
coverage for persons leaving welfare for work.
- Enhances outreach and enrollment for children eligible for
Medicaid and S-CHIP. BIPA permits states to enroll uninsured but
eligible children in Medicaid and SCHIP at schools, child support
enforcement agencies, program eligibility centers, and other sites.
- Simplifies enrollment of low-income Medicare beneficiaries in
cost-assistance programs through a uniform application and outreach
through Social Security.
Restore Reimbursements to Medicare and Medicaid Providers. The BIPA
addresses the needs of health care providers affected by the
disproportionate cuts of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 by increasing
Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement to.
- Hospitals receive a full inflation update for 2001; two years of a
6.5 percent indirect medical education teaching adjustment; higher
reimbursement for outpatient services in 2001; improvements for rural
hospitals; greater funding for safety hospitals that serve low-income
and uninsured populations; and more funding for specialty hospitals such
as long-term care, psychiatric and rehabilitation facilities.
- Home Health Agencies receive an extra year's delay in a 15 percent
cut in reimbursement; a full inflation update in 2001; and additional
payments for agencies that serve rural beneficiaries.
- Skilled Nursing Facilities receive a full inflation update in 2001;
greater payments for nursing costs; a further delay in the use of caps
on therapy services; and increased reimbursement for rehabilitation
therapy services.
- Managed Care Plans receive an increase in the minimum floor
payments; a one-time increase in the minimum annual update from 2 to 3
percent; phase-in of risk-adjustment to pay plans appropriately based on
a patient's health; and improved accountability for plans by increasing
penalties for plans that break their Medicare contracts.
- Other Providers receive a rate increase, such as dialysis
facilities; a 5 percent increase in hospice payments; inflation updates
for suppliers of durable medical equipment and orthotics and
prosthetics; a rate update for ambulance providers; and a prospective
payment system for community health centers and rural health clinics
that ensures adequate reimbursement
Makes Other Important Reforms. The bill incorporates an
Administration regulation closing a loophole in Medicaid reimbursement
policy that threatens its fiscal integrity; reallocates a portion of
unused SCHIP funds among states that have exhausted their allotments and
enables other states to retain a portion of their expiring SCHIP
allotment; increases funding for research and education for juvenile
diabetes and diabetes among Native Americans; and increases the
authorization for the Title V Maternal and Child Health program.
Investing in Health Research. The budget provides an historic
investment of $20.3 billion in the National Institutes of Health, a 14
percent increase over last year. These resources will support new
methods for detecting, treating, and curing diseases such as cancer,
Alzheimer's, and diabetes as well as continue to support cutting-edge
research such as the Human Genome Project. NIH resources have increased
by $10 billion during the Clinton Administration and are now nearly
double the 1993 level of $10.3 billion.
Increasing Funding to Explore the Environmental Causes of Disease.
The budget provides $49 million, a 169 percent increase, to assist
communities investigating unusual incidence of cancer or other diseases;
identify regions of the country in which individuals are at increased
risk of dangerous exposure to toxic substances; and ensure rapid
evaluation of the impact of public health emergencies.
Supporting Graduate Medical Education at Children's Hospitals. The
budget provides $235 million to reimburse freestanding children's
hospitals that train and educate physicians to care for children, a
five-fold increase over last year.
Expanding AIDS Care, Prevention, and Research. Building on the
historic reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act, this budget
includes: a $94 million increase in funding for domestic HIV prevention
activities; $213 million for the Ryan White CARE Act that helps provide
primary care and support for Americans living with HIV/AIDS; and an
estimated $200 million in additional funds for AIDS-related research at
the NIH. The budget also added nearly $100 million in funding to the
Minority AIDS Initiative, which utilizes existing programs to reach
African-Americans, Latinos, and other racial and ethnic minorities that
are disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS. CDC received an additional
$70 million to fight AIDS internationally.
Funding the Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Trust Fund Act. The budget
provides $580 million for a total funding of $665 million for the Ricky
Ray Hemophilia Relief Trust Fund, which provides one-time payments of
$100,000 to Americans with hemophilia who were infected with HIV by
blood solids during the 1980s.
Creating the Family Caregivers Program. The budget provides a
major new investment of $125 million in the Older Americans Act to
provide states with funding for quality respite care and other essential
services for family caregivers, a proposal advocated by Vice President
Gore. This program is a critical piece of the President's historic
long-term care initiative.
Improving Nursing Home Safety. The budget includes a $32 million
(68 percent) increase for the new Nursing Home Initiative for more
rigorous inspections of nursing facilities and improved federal
oversight and enforcement of nursing home quality.
Increasing Access to Health Care for the Uninsured. The budget
invests $125 million to develop integrated systems of care for the
uninsured through coordination between public hospitals, health centers,
and other community-based providers, increase the number of services
delivered and establishing accountability in the system to assure
adequate patient care.
Making Our Food Safe. The President won his entire request of $422
million for food safety, a $68 million increase over last year. These
resources will support enhanced and expanded food safety inspections;
outbreak responses; research, risk assessment and education activities;
and implementation of the Egg Safety Action Plan adopted by the
President's Council on Food Safety.
Improving States' Capacity to Deliver Health Care Services to the
Mentally Ill. The budget provides an additional $64 million above the
FY 2000 funding level for the Mental Health Block Grant, an 18 percent
increase over FY 2000. It also includes $25 million for a new Target
Capacity Expansion program to focus on prevention and those who are not
severely mentally ill.
Expanding Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment. The budget
continues the Administration's commitment to expanding substance abuse
prevention and treatment with a $135 million increase to $2.1 billion
total , a 31 percent increase since 1993. This includes an additional
$74 million for Targeted Capacity Expansion grants to help communities
address gaps in substance abuse services for emerging areas of need.
Combined with an additional $65 million for the Substance Abuse Block
Grant, the budget will provide treatment for another 27,000 individuals.
Promoting Community-Based Care for Americans with Disabilities.
The budget invests $50 million to help states develop comprehensive
plans to care for persons with disabilities in the most appropriate
Protecting Patient Safety. To reduce medical errors, the budget
provides the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality with $50 million
for research and the creation of a new Center for Patient Safety. In
2001, the Food and Drug Administration received a 35 percent increase in
funding over FY 2000, to $27 million, to fund the modernization of its
existing adverse event reporting systems.
Preparing for and Preventing Bioterrorist Attacks. The budget
fully funds President Clinton's request of $326 million to stockpile
vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical supplies to deploy in the event
of a chemical or biological terrorist attack and carry out related
research and development.
Reducing Racial Disparities in Health Status. The budget provides
an additional $8 million, a 26 percent increase over the FY 2000 funding
level, for health research and prevention activities to better
understand and address health disparities among minority populations.
Providing Quality Health Care to Native Americans: The budget
provides $2.6 billion, a 9 percent increase, for high-quality health
care services on American Indian and Alaska Native reservations. This is
the largest increase in history and it will fund:
Clinical Services: The budget provides $80 billion, $168 million
over last year, including funds to hire health care professionals to
provide additional primary care services at IHS hospitals and clinics
and to purchase additional basic and specialty health care services from
local and community health care providers.
Contract Support Costs: The budget provides $249 million, $20
million over the FY 2000 enacted level, to support tribes as they assume
responsibility for providing direct health care services.
Indian Health Care Improvement Fund: Within Hospital and Clinics,
the budget provides $30 million to address funding disparities by
targeting increases to tribes most in need.
Facilities: The budget provides $364 million, $47 million over FY
2000 enacted, to make much needed improvements to IHS' infrastructure
for the delivery of health care services to patients.
Preventing Childhood Diseases. The budget provides an additional
$78 million, a 15 percent increase over last year, to increase childhood
immunization rates and eradicate polio worldwide.
Controlling the Spread of Infectious Disease. The budget provides
$265 million to the Center for Disease Control, a 34 percent increase,
for infectious disease programs and disease surveillance systems.
Expanding Family Planning Services. The President secured $254
million in FY 2001 for family planning, a $15 million (6 percent)
increase. This initiative will allow family planning clinics to provide
reproductive health services and clinical care to millions of
underserved Americans, including testing and treatment for
sexually-transmitted diseases, cancer screenings, and HIV prevention and
Keeping the Health Care Promise for Retired Coal Miners and Their
Families. The budget provides an additional $97 million to help
continue the retirement health care that the nation promised about
65,000 retired coal miners and their families.
President Clinton and Vice President Gore made significant strides for
the environment in the fiscal year 2001 budget that proposed a record
$42.3 billion to protect our natural resources, communities and families
-- an 11 percent increase over last year. The final budget includes
increased funding for protection of America's parks, forests, green
spaces, coastal areas and wildlife. The budget will provide Americans
with increased resources for wild fire management, clean water and
energy security. At the same time, the President and Vice President
fought back numerous, anti-environmental riders that would have traded
hard-won environmental safeguards for short-term special interest gains.
Preserving America's Lands. The President and Vice President, with
bipartisan congressional support, won unprecedented dedicated funding
for the conservation of America's land and coastal resources. Totaling
$12 billion over six years, this historic conservation funding level
will more than triple the current funding for these programs by 2006.
The bill creates a new "conservation spending" category -- protected
from being spent on any other programs -- for federal, state and local
needs, and for maintaining existing parks and other conservation and
recreation needs.
Protecting the Environment. The budget provides $3.9 billion for
the EPA operating program, a 9 percent increase, to strengthen the
backbone of the nation's environmental protection efforts. In recent
years, Congress's failure to fully fund the President's budget proposals
has jeopardized the EPA's ability to protect public health and the
environment. These resources will enable EPA to continue to provide
American communities with cleaner air, cleaner water, and improved
quality of life. In addition, President Clinton won more resources for
"the environmental cop on the beat" to enforce environmental laws
against pollution.
Promoting Clean Water. The budget includes an 8 percent increase
to $165 million -- for President Clinton's Clean Water Action Plan.
Forty percent of our nation's waters don't meet water quality standards.
The EPA and the Departments of Agriculture, the Interior, and Commerce
will implement the plan together, including monitoring activities,
watershed improvements, and private forest stewardship, and reclaiming
abandoned mine land. The budget includes a $38 million increase for
controlling non-point source pollution, the greatest remaining source of
poor water quality, and a $56 million increase to help states and tribes
strengthen water quality control programs.
Fighting Global Warming. The budget includes $1.2 billion, a 13
percent increase, for President Clinton's Climate Change Technology
Initiative. This initiative is the backbone of the national effort to
reduce greenhouse gases, while creating jobs and saving consumers money.
It supports the research, development, and deployment of solar and
renewable energy technologies and energy-efficient products. It
includes $375 million for Department of Energy solar and renewable
energy research (a 21 percent increase); $626 million for energy
efficiency research (an 8 percent increase); and $123 million for EPA to
promote energy efficiency (a 19 percent increase).
Restoring the Florida Everglades, a National Treasure. This year's
budget includes $118 million for Army Corps of Engineers projects to
restore wetlands and natural waterflows in this internationally
important ecosystem. This project is an important step to implement the
President's $7.8 billion Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan,
which has unprecedented support from Congress, agricultural, community,
business and environmental groups. The restoration of America's
Everglades will help ensure a safe supply of water for Florida's cities
and farming communities into the future.
Protecting the Global Environment: The budget includes $100
million, a 61 percent increase, for USAID's tropical forest and
biodiversity conservation budget to protect key ecosystems around the
under the President's Greening the Globe initiative. The budget also
includes $108 million, a 200 percent increase, in U.S. funding for the
Global Environment Facility (GEF), the primary international fund for
global environment priorities including biodiversity conservation,
international waters, protection of the ozone layer and climate change.
The President fought for important initiatives in his budget to help
working families and ensure that all Americans can share in prosperity.
Protecting Workers. The final budget includes $1.2 billion to
enforce federal safety, health, pensions, wages, and nondiscrimination
practices. This $102 million increase will support 1,500 inspections to
ensure safe and healthy workplaces. In addition, it supports efforts to
increase labor law compliance, including child labor, and to expand
public education/outreach efforts related to workers' pensions.
Helping Hard-Pressed Working Families Meet Their Nutritional Needs.
Congress approved an important reform proposed by the Administration to
allow 245,000 people to own a reliable car and still be eligible for
food stamp assistance. Many of these families need a car to get to
jobs, job training, and child care. Another change also helps over 1.5
million people put food on the table by ensuring that the food stamp
program more accurately recognizes high housing costs faced by many
low-income working families.
Helping Former Welfare Recipients and other Low-Income Workers Get
to their Jobs. Congress provided guaranteed funding of $100 million for
the Job Access and Reverse Commute program, a critical component of the
Administration's effort to move families from welfare to work and
support working families. This is an increase of $25 million over the
FY 2000 level, but less than the $150 million requested by the
Administration. Regrettably, Congress earmarked 75 percent of the funds
and failed to allow Native American tribes to apply directly for Job
Access grants.
Expanding Nutrition and Health Care for Women and Young Children.
The final budget provides $4.05 billion for the Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), an increase of
$20 million over FY 2000. The budget will provide vouchers for
nutritional food packages, nutrition education and counseling, and
health care and immunization referrals to more than 7 million women,
infants, and children each month.
Creating 79,000 New Housing Vouchers. With the Administration's
leadership, the budget includes $453 million for new vouchers that
subsidize the rents of low-income Americans. These vouchers will expand
the supply of affordable housing for the 5.4 million very-low-income
families who pay more than half their incomes for housing or live in
severely inadequate units, including a growing number of families
working full time. Vouchers often enable families to move closer to job
opportunities. This budget builds on the 110,000 new vouchers secured
through the President's leadership in the past two years.
Increasing Voucher Use and Tenant Housing Options. The budget
helps Public Housing Authorities use some housing vouchers to expand
tenant rental opportunities. For the first time, tenants moving into
housing that has a designated voucher will not have to give up their
rental assistance if their family needs to move.
Expanding the Home Investment Partnership. The budget provides $1.8
billion for the Home Investment Partnership Program, a $200 million
increase, to build, buy, and renovate affordable housing for low-income
families. The program also supports housing vouchers and homeownership
counseling. These funds will create homeownership opportunities and
affordable housing for an estimated 67,000 families in the next year.
Funding to States for Critical Local Needs. Congress approved $1.7
billion for the Social Services Block Grant which plays a critical role
in funding child welfare and child protection services, as well as
services to the elderly, disabled, and child care for children of
hard-pressed working families.
Extending Welfare-To-Work Funding. To help more long-term welfare
recipients and low-income fathers go to work and support their families,
the Administration proposed and Congress approved giving state, local,
tribal, and community- and faith-based grantees an additional two years
to spend existing Welfare-to-Work funds. This will give grantees an
opportunity to fully implement the $3 billion Welfare-to-Work initiative
the Administration fought to include in the 1997 Balanced Budget Act, as
well as the program eligibility improvements enacted last year with the
Administration's support.
Promoting Employment Opportunities for Americans with Disabilities.
The budget includes $23 million to establish a new Office of Disability
Policy, Evaluation and Technical Assistance (ODPET), headed by a new
Assistant Secretary at the Department of Labor, to take the lead on
policy development, technical assistance, research and public education
on disability employment. The budget also includes $20 million to
continue the Work Incentive Assistance Grants program to ensure that
people with disabilities who want to return to work have access to the
full range of employment and reemployment services under the Workforce
Investment Act.
The United States is currently in the midst of the longest expansion in
its history. The strength and duration of this expansion have helped
bring economic opportunity to millions of people once cut off from the
economic mainstream. However, too many urban and rural areas have not
participated in this growth. Moreover, the President believes that
parents who work hard and play by the rules should not have to raise
their children in poverty.
Enacting the New Markets Initiative. President Clinton and
Congress have worked together on this bipartisan initiative to stimulate
new private capital investments in economically distressed communities
and build a network of private investment institutions to funnel credit,
equity and technical assistance to businesses in America's new markets.
Together, these initiatives expand the range of "bankable" deals and
will stimulate additional private business activity. The agreement
The New Markets Tax Credit. The credit will spur $15 billion in
equity investment for business growth in low- and moderate-income rural
and urban communities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. The
credit, worth over 30 percent of the amount invested (in present value
terms), will be available to taxpayers who invest in a wide range of
privately managed community development investment funds, such as
community development banks and other CDFIs, venture funds, and new
investment companies, that finance businesses in low- and
moderate-income communities.
New Markets Venture Capital (NMVC) Firms. The legislation provides
for venture capital firms that would target smaller businesses located
in low- and moderate-income communities. NMVC firms will provide expert
guidance to small business entrepreneurs in inner city and rural areas.
The legislation authorizes guarantees for $150 million in loans that
will match $100 million in private equity, and provides $30 million for
technical assistance for small business.
Strengthened Empowerment Zones. President Clinton and Vice
President Gore established nine EZs in 1993. Today, there are 31 across
America. This legislation provides:
- A third round of 9 new EZs, bringing the total number to 40, and
extends all EZs to 2009.
- An additional $110 million, for a total of $200 million in
discretionary investment this year for existing EZs.
- Expansion of 20% EZ wage credit (first $15,000 in annual wages for
each worker), increased small business expensing (up to $35,000 more
than in current law for equipment), and enhanced tax-exempt bonds to all
- Tax-free rollovers for EZ investments, and 60% capital gains
exclusion for investment in small EZ businesses.
Renewal Communities. The tax incentives for the 40 new Renewal
Communities include:
- Zero capital gains rate on the sales of certain assets held for
more than 5 years.
- Increased small business expensing (up to $35,000 more than in
current law for equipment).
- 15% employment wage credit (first $10,000 in annual income for each
- Commercial revitalization deductions for taxpayers who revitalize
buildings in a Renewal Community.
An Expanded Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. This bill increases the
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit by more than 40 percent over two years and
then indexes the credit for inflation thereafter. The increase will
help to create an additional 180,000 units of affordable housing for
working families over the next five years. The credit will increase to
$1.50 per capita for each state in 2001 and $1.75 per capita in 2002.
A Higher Private Activity Bond Cap. The legislation increases the
state private activity bond cap from $50 per resident to $75 per
resident, phased in 2001 to 2002.
Bolstered District of Columbia Tax Incentives. The bill provides
Washington, DC priority in receiving status under the Renewal Community
program. In addition, the agreement also extends the District's current
tax incentives, which are set to expire in 2002, to 2003.
Local BusinessLINC Coalitions. BusinessLINC (Learning, Investment,
Networking and Collaboration), is an innovative public-private
partnership launched by Vice President Gore to encourage large
businesses to work with and mentor small businesses located in
distressed communities. This bill provides $7 million for BusinessLINC
local coalitions forming across the country.
Helping Low-Income Families Invest for the Future. Congress
approved the President's budget request of $25 million to create
Individual Development Accounts to empower low-income working families
to save for a first home, postsecondary education, or to start a new
business. Congress also approved the Administration's proposed changes
that make it simpler and easier for community-based organizations and
individuals to participate in this national demonstration program. This
builds on President Clinton's longstanding support for empowering
individuals to save through IDAs.
Developing the Mississippi Delta Region. The budget funds a new
federal-state partnership to fight for economic growth in the
Mississippi Delta region, a seven-State area which includes some of the
most distressed communities in the nation, including:
$20 million for the Delta Regional Authority, a federal-state
partnership. Resources will be focused on the more than two million
people living in the Delta's distressed areas. These areas have a
poverty rate that is over 30 percent, twice the national average. The
funding will support area development and technical assistance to
participating State and local economic development entities.
$6 million to improve rural economic opportunity by allowing the
Department of Agriculture to fund activities such as financing loans to
intermediary borrowers who re-lend funds to rural businesses and
community development corporations; and
$226 million to improve the transportation infrastructure in the
Delta region through Department of Transportation transit and highway
Makes Capital Available through Community Development Financial
Institutions. The President won $118 million for the Community
Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund. The Fund has a record
of supporting local specialized lenders and investors -- as well as
traditional financial institutions -- that make loans and equity
investments in under-served communities. It is a vital source of capital
to build a national network of community development lenders, following
through on one of the President's original commitments. The
Administration is especially pleased that Congress provided the
requested $5 million for technical assistance and training to benefit
Native American communities.
Creating Economic Opportunity in Distressed Communities. The budget
provides over $5 billion -- a $324 million increase -- for the Community
Development Block Grant to improve housing, strengthen public works,
promote economic development, and acquire or clear land.
Offers More Emergency Food and Shelter. The budget includes
President Clinton's request to increase funding for the Federal
Emergency Management Agency's grants by $30 million, to $140 million.
These grants go to the states and are distributed locally to community
based organizations to assist families and individuals who need
emergency housing and food. As a result of this law, needy Americans
will receive 25 million more meals and 1.1 million additional nights of
shelter next year.
Increases Homeless Assistance. The President and Vice President
proposed a major expansion of HUD's continuum of care program to help
homeless persons obtain temporary and permanent housing and supportive
services. The final budget includes $1.125 billion in funds for the
homeless assistance including $100 million for Shelter Plus Care
renewals, a 10 percent increase over last year's budget.
Promoting Community Service. The final budget includes more than
$767 million for national and community service, a $36 million increase.
It will allow AmeriCorps to surpass 250,000 members who have served
their communities since 1994, helping to close the digital divide,
improve education, build public housing, and meet critical social and
environmental needs. It will also allow hundreds more National Civilian
Community Corps members to continue to provide desperately needed help
for communities faced with ravaging fires or devastating floods. The
bill includes $7.5 million for America's Promise -- the community
service initiative led by General Colin Powell that stemmed from the
Presidents' Summit for America's Future -- to ensure that children grow
into healthy, strong, and productive adults.
Access to computers and the Internet and the ability to use this
technology effectively are becoming increasingly important for full
participation in America's economic, social and political life.
Unfortunately, there is strong evidence of a "digital divide" -- unequal
access to technology by income, education level, race, and geography. We
also need to give people skills to use technology and to promote content
and applications of technology that will help empower under-served
Establishing Community Technology Centers. $65 million to create
up to 650 Community Technology Centers in low-income urban and rural
communities, up from $10 million two years ago and doubling the $32.5
million last year. This initiative will help close the "digital divide"
by providing computers and Information Age tools to children and adults
who can not afford them at home.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology. The final budget
includes $125 million to train new teachers to use technology
effectively in the classroom, up from $75 million last year. Under the
leadership of President Clinton and Vice President Gore, the United
States has made enormous progress in connecting schools to the Internet
and increasing the number of modern computers in the classroom.
However, access to computers and the Internet will not help students
achieve high academic standards unless teachers are as comfortable with
a computer as they are with a chalkboard.
Supporting Innovative Applications of Technology. President
Clinton's budget will increase the investment in the Department of
Commerce's successful Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) to $45.5
million- -- triple the current level of $15 million. TOP funds
innovative uses of technology to assist in the delivery of health care
and public health services, help public safety officials, increase
low-income families' access to computers and the Internet, support
lifelong learning, and strengthen local communities by fostering
communication and collaboration through electronic networks.
Creating Digital Opportunity for Americans with Disabilities. The
budget provides $142 million for R&D and support for programs to make
information and communications technologies more accessible for people
with disabilities, and to make assistive technologies more affordable.
Giving all of our Children Access to Educational Technology. The
budget provides a total of $872 million for educational technology,
including $450 million for the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund.
Under Clinton-Gore, spending on educational technology is up from $23
million in FY93, an increase of over 3,600%. These programs help local
communities meet the "four pillars" of the President's Educational
Technology Initiative: Internet access, modem computers, educational
content, and teacher training.
For the seventh straight year, President Clinton and Vice President Gore
have requested, and negotiated, increases in Federal funding for
fundamental research. Increased investment in science and technology
leads to economic growth, the creation of high-tech, high-wage jobs,
cures for diseases, and a cleaner environment for future generations of
Americans. The 21st Century Research Fund consists of the Federal
government's long-term investments directed toward creating new
knowledge and developing new technologies. In FY 2001, these
investments will total $44.9 billion, an increase of nearly $5 billion
(12 percent) over last year.
Investing in Health Research. This year, the National Institutes of
Health will receive $20.3 billion, an increase of $2.5 billion (14
percent) over last year to broaden research on diseases such as
diabetes, cancer, and brain disorders, and disease prevention strategies
and vaccines. NIH resources have doubled in the Clinton Administration
from $10.3 billion in FY 1993.
Sustains U.S. Leadership across the Scientific Frontiers. The
budget contains a $529 million increase for the National Science
Foundation -- the largest increase ever -- for a total investment of
$4.4 billion. It boosts university-based research and insure balanced
support for all science and engineering disciplines. Increased
investments will spur new discoveries in the fields of information
technology, nanotechnology, biocompexity, and other areas of fundamental
science and engineering.
Information Technology. The budget includes a $424 million
increase for information technology to $2 billion. The information
technology industry accounts for a third of our economic growth and also
creates high-tech, high-wage jobs.
Nanotechnology. The budget increases resources for nanotechnology
research by $151 million to $422 million. Nanotechnology -- the
manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level -- could lead
to breakthroughs such as the ability to store the equivalent of the
Library of Congress in a device the size of a sugar cube, materials 10
times stronger than steel and a fraction of the weight, and the ability
to detect tumors when they are only a few cells in size.
Core Research Areas. The budget also provides a $189 million (or 7
percent) increase for fundamental mathematics, functional genomics,
physics, chemistry, geology, psychology, and cognitive and linguistic
sciences to help sustain the flow of new discoveries and promote the
emergence of new disciplines, fields, and technologies. These priority
areas hold great promise for breakthroughs that are revolutionary,
likely reshaping science and engineering, and changing the way we think
and live.
Investing in Energy Research. As part of the Clinton-Gore plan to
reduce our nation's reliance on oil and lower the nation's fuel bills,
the budget includes increases for the Department of Energy's domestic
energy research and development programs: a $65 million increase for
solar and renewable energy; $49 million (8 percent) for energy
efficiency (including $13 million for hybrid vehicle or "supercar"
research); and $111 million (27 percent) increase for fossil energy. It
also includes a $20 million increase at the Environmental Protection
Agency for energy efficiency research and development. These
initiatives will help our nation achieve greater energy security, reduce
pollution, and create new high-tech industries and jobs. The budget
also boosts basic research in the Department of Energy's Office of
Science by $399 million, or 14 percent.
Expanding the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The
final budget includes a $684 million increase, to $14.3 billion, for the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These resources will help
NASA meet its human space flight needs more safely and at lower cost
through a new generation of space launch vehicles and enable it to
establish a sustained human presence in earth orbit and a robotic
presence on Mars.
Investing in Advanced Technology. President Clinton won continued
funding for the Advanced Technology Program, which the House Republican
budget proposed to eliminate. This year, ATP will make an additional
$61 million in new awards. ATP supports the development of risky
technologies with significant promise for widespread economic benefits.
Encouraging Innovation through Patents and Trademarks. The budget
increases funding for the Patent and Trademark Office by 19 percent over
last year, to over $1 billion. These resources will allow the office to
accommodate its surging workload and issue patents and trademarks
without delays, encouraging investment and innovation, particularly in
industries that are key to sustaining the economic expansion like
biotechnology and the Internet.
Under the Clinton-Gore Administration, crime has fallen to its lowest
rate in a generation. The final budget proposes a series of measures to
continue to make progress toward the goal of making America the safest
big country in the world.
Enforcing Gun Laws. The final budget contains nearly $200 million
to fund the President's Gun Enforcement Initiative -- the largest
national gun enforcement initiative in history. This will fund 500 new
ATF firearms agents and inspectors, expand crime gun tracing and
ballistics testing; and support over 600 new federal, state and local
gun prosecutors to crack down on gun criminals. This funding will also
help the ATF expand the President's successful Youth Crime Gun
Interdiction Initiative (YCGII), which helps law enforcement crack down
on the illegal gun traffickers that supply firearms to juveniles and
criminals, from 38 to 50 cities.
Putting More Police on the Streets. Last year, President Clinton
and Vice President Gore met their commitment to fund 100,000 new police
officers for our streets ahead of schedule and under budget. As called
for by the President, the final budget contains over $1 billion to help
communities take the next step and hire up to 50,000 more police
officers by FY 2005; the budget also provides other critical resources
for law enforcement.
Hiring More Community Prosecutors. The budget includes $25 million
for the Administration's initiative to extend the success of community
policing to local prosecutors by helping states and localities hire new
community prosecutors to address public safety and quality of life
Fighting against Domestic Violence. The President and Vice
President have championed reauthorization of the historic Violence
Against Women Act, which the President recently signed. The President
won $504 million in FY 2001 to combat domestic violence -- $289 at the
Department of Justice and $215 at the Department of Health and Human
Services. These funds will help communities to expand prevention efforts
and enhance the safety of more victims of domestic violence and sexual
Saving Lives by Preventing Drunk Driving. Congress has also
reached agreement on a critical measure to help set a nationwide
impaired driving standard of .08 blood alcohol content. This
common-sense nationwide limit will save an estimated 500 lives a year
and prevent thousands of injuries.
Developing Smart Gun Technology. To help prevent accidental gun
death and injuries of children who obtain access to guns, as well as
other unauthorized gun use, the Administration won $8 million to expand
the development of "smart" gun technologies. These state-of-the-art gun
safety technologies can limit a gun's use to its proper adult owner or
other authorized users.
Investing in Law Enforcement Technology. The final budget provides
$270 million within COPS to provide law enforcement with the latest
crime-fighting and crime-solving technology.
Strengthening Police Integrity and Fighting Hate Crimes. The
budget provides $17 million to help strengthen police integrity
including hate crimes training for Federal, state, and local law
enforcement, data collection on "racial profiling," and other innovative
initiatives to build trust between police and communities and promote
police accountability.
Increasing Community Supervision of Released Offenders. The budget
contains a total of $30 million for Project Reentry, an innovative
Administration initiative to create "reentry partnerships" and "reentry
courts" to help communities reduce recidivism for offenders returning to
their communities from prison. This will complement $75 million for
Responsible Reintegration for Young Offenders grants and $10 million in
substance abuse and mental health services grants targeted towards
reentry initiatives.
Continue the Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. The Administration
secured $185 million to continue the successful national media campaign
to regularly reach our youth with the message that drugs are wrong,
dangerous and deadly.
At the start of a new century, the United States is faced with new
opportunities and new challenges as a global leader and the world's
strongest force for peace and prosperity. American leadership has been
instrumental in seizing new opportunities for peace, including reversing
ethnic cleansing and restoring stability to the Balkans; ending
bloodshed in Northern Ireland; brokering peace in the Middle East
between Israel and its neighbors; restoring democracy in East Timor;
supporting Russia's transformation to democracy and free markets; and
integrating China into the international community. U.S. leadership has
also been decisive in meeting new challenges and combating new threats
such as weapons proliferation, terrorism, and drug-trafficking.
The FY 2001 budget builds upon past success to advance America's
leadership position in the world, funding a number of new initiatives
designed seize the new opportunities and face the new challenges the
21st century presents.
Meeting our International Obligations. Foreign Operations funding
enables the United States to fulfill its international responsibilities
bolstering security for us and our allies, alleviating poverty and
disease, promoting democracy and expanding markets for exports.
Congress initially provided nearly $2 billion less than the President
requested for Foreign Operations. In the end, Congress will provide
$14.9 billion, only about $200 million below our request.
Providing Debt Relief. President Clinton won $435 million for the
Heavily Indebted Poor Country debt initiative. Under the Cologne Debt
Initiative, countries receiving debt relief will direct their savings to
education, health care, AIDS prevention, and other critical needs. The
budget also includes $13 million for the Tropical Forest Initiative to
use debt relief funds in support of conservation and authorizes the use
of proceeds from IMF gold sales for debt reduction. Unsustainable debt
keeps many countries in poverty. For the average HIPC country, the
share of scarce government revenue devoted to debt service could fall by
25 percent to 50 percent if they comply with their obligation to pursue
economic reforms and promote poverty reduction.
Fighting AIDS and Funding Vaccines. President Clinton won $554
million to combat HIV/AIDS and $125 million for other infectious
diseases that plague the developing world. The budget also funds the
President's Millennium Vaccine Initiative, including $50 million for the
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, over $270 million for
AIDS vaccine research and malaria and TB vaccine research. The AIDS
vaccine research program is part of the Administration's overall AIDS
research effort, which will receive an unprecedented level of support in
this budget -- over $2 billion.
Fighting Child Labor and Expanding Education in Developing
Countries. President Clinton won a $37 million increase to strengthen
educational systems in areas of developing countries, especially where
abusive child labor is prevalent. Better access to basic education can
be a catalyst for poverty reduction, maternal and infant health, the
prevention and treatment of HIV-AIDS and other infectious diseases, and
the elimination of abusive child labor. The budget also includes $10
million to enforce custom laws against child labor customs enforcement
and $45 million for the International Program for the Elimination of
Child Labor. Since 1995, the U.S. has funded projects to prevent or
remove some 120,500 children in Africa, Asia and Latin America from
dangerous or abusive work in many industries (including commercial
agriculture, mining, fishing, the production of soccer balls, carpets,
garments, fireworks, and footwear), as well as prostitution and domestic
Migration and Refugee Assistance Account. This $700 million
provides emergency food shelter and repatriation assistance to refugees
overseas and allows refugee resettlement in the United States. This is
significant because it is even more than we requested and will make a
huge difference in our ability to provide essential assistance and
protection to a worldwide refugee population that has increased by over
half a million in the last six months.
International Family Planning. The budget provides $425 million --
a significant increase from last year's level of $373 million -- will
promotes women's health and saves women's lives. However, funds for
these programs may not be obligated until February 15th, 2001.
Maintaining a Strong and Capable Military. Last year, President
Clinton and Vice President Gore initiated a long-term, sustained
increase in defense spending to protect our high level of military
readiness and procure modern and effective weapons systems. This year's
budget includes:
More Resources. The FY 2001 budget will pay for the Department of
Defense's most critical needs, consistent with the President's budget
request. The appropriation for the Department of Defense provides
$296.4 billion in discretionary budget authority, a $15.8 billion
increase over the FY 2000 level (excluding supplemental appropriations
for defense programs in FY 2000, such as contingency operations).
Military Readiness. The FY 2001 budget fully funds key compensation
initiatives, including the Administration's requests for a 3.7 percent
pay increase for military personnel, training, spare parts, equipment
maintenance, and base operations. It also fully funds a new pharmacy
benefit for military retirees over the age of 65, ensuring that those
who dedicated their lives to military service benefit from comprehensive
prescription drug coverage.
Modernized Weapons Systems. The bill fully funds key modernization
programs such as the F-22 fighter aircraft, the CVN-77 Nuclear Aircraft
Carrier, and National Missile Defense. America's armed forces must
maintain their status as the best-equipped in the world.
Keeping the Peace. Our ability to pay our share of international
peacekeeping missions is a crucial part of fulfilling our international
security responsibilities and ensuring that other nations share the
burden with us. The budget provides our full request of $835 million for
CIPA (Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities).
Reducing the Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The budget
provides $870 million for the Expanded Threat Reduction Initiative to
contain the spread of weapons of mass destruction from the former Soviet
Union and to promote stability.
Fighting Terrorism. The bombing of the U.S.S. Cole reminds us of
the increased threat of terrorism abroad. The $1 billion for the
Department of State embassy security initiatives is a steadfast
commitment to the security of our employees overseas, including full
funding for security readiness measures, substantial increases for
security improvements to existing facilities to deter and reduce the
effects of attack, and a robust program of new construction to replace
inadequate and vulnerable facilities. In addition, the budget includes
$205 million for new counter-terrorism and cyber-crime initiatives in
the Departments of Treasury and Justice, including adding agents to
Joint Terrorism Task Forces, enhancing technology and intelligence
gathering along the northern border, enabling Treasury law enforcement
to respond to unanticipated terrorist incidents, and improving the
tracking of terrorist assets.
Promoting Cybersecurity. The information technology revolution that
has fueled the tremendous growth in our economy has also made us more
vulnerable to cyber attack. The budget includes $27 million to enable
us to recruit and educate cyber experts, set up a team of experts to
assist agencies in adhering to federal computer security requirements,
develop a government-wide intrusion detection and response system, and
run the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office that coordinates with
the private sector.
Promoting Democracy and Stability. The budget includes $250
million to bolster democracy in Kosovo and support the newly elected
democratic government in Serbia. It provides $421 million to promote
the political and economic integration of the Balkans into Europe and
into the global community and economy. Finally, it provides $1.8
billion from the Economic Support Fund and $3.4 billion from Foreign
Military Financing to support the next phase of negotiations between
Israel and its neighbors.
Colombia Assistance. Congress provided $1.3 billion in FY2000
emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance to Colombia,
matching the funding level of the President's two-year request. These
funds will support programs to stem the flow of illegal drugs coming
from Colombia to the United States and to bring greater stability to
Colombia and the Andean Region.
Meeting the Chemical Weapons Convention. The budget meets U.S.
obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention banning chemical
weapons and monitoring the production of toxic chemicals, as well as
protect confidential U.S. business information.
Because the 1996 Farm Bill fails to sufficiently support farm family
incomes when crop prices fall or natural disasters strike, President
Clinton and Vice President Gore proposed counter-cyclical income
assistance, crop insurance reform, a major farm conservation program
initiative (much of which extends beyond 2002), and targeted assistance
to certain segments of the farm and rural communities.
Helping farmers and ranchers recover from natural disasters and low
prices for their commodities. The budget includes over $4 billion in
assistance to farmers, ranchers, and rural residents who suffered losses
from natural disasters, such as this summer's severe drought that
impacted many parts of the country. This includes over $2 billion to
compensate crop producers for quantity and quality losses and over $1
billion for livestock feed and dairy income assistance. In addition,
the budget includes the President's proposal to extend the dairy price
support program, providing further income support and security for dairy
Closing the "economic divide" in rural America. The budget
provides increases of $2.2 billion for loans and grants for
high-priority rural development programs which will improve the quality
of life for rural residents, strengthen rural communities, and diversify
the rural economy. More than 1.5 million more rural residents will
receive access to safe, affordable drinking water through water and
wastewater loans and grants; nearly 100,000 jobs will be created or
saved through $2.5 billion in guaranteed loans to rural businesses; and,
over 60,000 very-low to moderate income rural families will receive
single-family housing loans and loan guarantees, allowing many to own
their own homes for the first time.
Other Clinton-Gore initiatives funded by the 2001 budget include:
Expanding Civil Rights Enforcement. The President won nearly all
of his requested increase for civil rights enforcement, bringing the
total commitment to more than $1 billion per year. Funding for the
Civil Rights Division of Justice was expanded from $82 million in FY
2000 to $92 million in FY 2001, a 12 percent increase. Funding for the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission increased from $281 million to
$304 million in FY 2000, an eight percent increase.
Ensuring Equal Pay. The President won $42 million for his Equal Pay
Initiative to train to employers on wage discrimination; train women in
nontraditional jobs; provide for apprenticeships; and support industry
partnerships. Within this initiative, the National Science Foundation
(NSF) will invest $20 million to remove barriers to career advancement
for women scientists and engineers.
Meeting Our Commitment to the Nation's Veterans. The budget
provides a $1.5 billion increase for the Department of Veterans Affairs,
the largest increase ever requested by any Administration. These
resources will improve benefits and services to the nation's 24 million
veterans, serve more patients while ensuring high quality and timely
care, improve the delivery of benefit payments for veterans, and ensure
that we meet our National Shrine commitment to cemeteries for veterans.
Promoting the Arts in America. This year President Clinton
proposed to expand resources for the National Endowment for the Arts to
provide support for the important cultural, educational and artistic
programs for communities across America. Working together, the
President and the Congress were able to increase funding for the NEA to
$105 million, a $7 million boost over last year's funding level and the
first significant increase in the six years since the Republicans took
control of the Congress.
Welcoming New Americans. The President and Vice-President won $70
million for the English Literacy/Civics Initiative -- nearly triple last
year's funding. This program helps states and communities provide
recent immigrants and other individuals with limited English proficiency
with expanded access to quality English-language instruction linked to
civics education, including understanding the U.S. government and public
education systems, the workplace, and other key institutions of American
life. It is a powerful tool in building a stronger American community.
Funding for this initiative in 2001 will provide services for almost
250,000 individuals.
Providing Fairness to Immigrant Families. The budget changes
immigration law to benefit an estimated 700,000 to 900,000 immigrants'
families. It will provide limited relief by reinstating section 245(i)
and creating a new V visa category to allow families to stay together in
the United States while their application is pending and provides relief
to some individuals who would have likely benefited from the
legalization program under the immigration law of 1986. However, this
legislation fails to eliminate the disparate treatment under our
immigration laws Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Haitians, and
Liberians and does not provide any relief for deserving individuals
affected by changes in the 1996 immigration law. The next Congress
should enact legislation to address these important issues.