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                            EDUCATION BUDGET
                            December 2, 2000

Today, in his weekly radio address, President Clinton will call on the returning Congress to finish the nation's work it has left undone for over two months. The President's remarks will focus on the bipartisan education agreement reached in November as one example of crucial work that Congress cannot ignore. The President will urge the Republican leadership to pass the bipartisan agreement that would increase federal support for improving education by nearly $8 billion, and to further bipartisan cooperation by passing school modernization tax legislation that has the support of 231 members of the House of Representatives, a bipartisan majority. He will also release an analysis by the U.S. Department of Education that illustrates the amount of federal education funding each state stands to lose if Congress backtracks on the budget consensus that had been negotiated before the election.

KEEPING OUR COMMITMENT TO STUDENTS. Shortly before Congress adjourned in November, a reasonable bipartisan agreement was reached -- only to be abandoned at the last minute by the Republican leadership. If Congress fails to finish this crucial budget that is already months late, they will put at risk an historic increase in education investments at a time when the American public considers education one of its highest priorities. Backing away from the consensus budget plan and freezing funding at FY 2000 levels would jeopardize critical increases agreed to by budget negotiators on both sides, including:

STATES COULD LOSE CRITICAL INCREASES FOR EDUCATION. The President will release a set of state-by-state analyses of the nearly $8 billion in education funding that would be lost if Congress does not act to pass the consensus budget. Among the five largest states, California could lose almost $715 million in additional education funds, Texas could lose more than $100 million in support for emergency school repairs, New York could lose more than $40 million for more after school and summer school programs, Florida could lose almost $20 million to hire additional high-quality teachers to reduce class sizes in the early grades, and Illinois could lose almost $70 million in additional support to educate students with disabilities.

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