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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                             (Hanoi, Vietnam)
For Immediate Release                                  November 17, 2000


Hillary and I were deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American foot soldier for freedom and a driving force for the Voting Rights Act, Hosea Williams. From his bravery in the fields of battle in World War II, to his leadership in the civil rights struggle at home, Hosea Williams was a profile in courage. One of the greatest honors of my presidency was walking across the Edmund Pettus Bridge with him on the 35th anniversary of the Selma march earlier this year. Hosea Williams dedicated his entire life to making sure we never take a detour on the road to freedom. He helped us all cross the bridge to a better and more just world. With his memory as a guide, we'll keep marching on. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
