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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                          (New York, New York)
For Immediate Release                                  September 7, 2000


U.S. Efforts on HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases

The Clinton Administration is taking aggressive action on infectious diseases and strongly supports Secretary General Annan's call for stepped up international action to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.

The United States also joins Secretary General Annan's call for health research to be focused on problems that affect 90 percent of the world's people. Last year, AIDS killed 2.8 million people worldwide and is now the single leading cause of death in Africa; thirteen million sub-Saharan African children have now lost one or both of their parents to AIDS. Today, three million children still die from diseases preventable with vaccines that are already available, and more than five million children and adults die from diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS for which vaccines must be developed.

The recommendations of the UN Millennium Report are supported by the Clinton Administration's aggressive response to the challenges posed by global disease.

-$50 million in the President's 2001 budget as a contribution to the vaccine purchase fund of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI);

-U.S. leadership in the World Bank and other multilateral development banks to dedicate an additional $400 million to $900 million annually of low-interest rate loans to health care services;

-significant increases in basic research on diseases that affect developing nations;

-$1 billion tax credit for sales of vaccines for malaria, TB and AIDS to accelerate their development and production.

-is investing $2 billion annually for AIDS research, with over $210 million allocated to AIDS vaccine development - the best hope for conquering the disease;

-this year contributed $120 million to the international campaign to eradicate polio;

-made global AIDS and infectious diseases a top priority at the U.S.-European Union Summit in Portugal in May 2000 and the July 2000 G-8 Summit in Okinawa, where billions of dollars were mobilized from G-8 partners.

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