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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                             (Cairo, Egypt)
For Immediate Release                                    August 29, 2000
                      REMARKS BY PRESIDENT CLINTON
                         AND PRESIDENT MUBARAK
                          IN PHOTO OPPORTUNITY

                         Presidential Terminal
                      Cairo International Airport

7:10 A.M. (L)

Q What do you hope to accomplish in this meeting today, Mr. Mubarak and Mr. Clinton?

PRESIDENT MUBARAK: We're going to do our best to find a solution for the problem in the Middle East, between Israel and the Palestinians. We are making some consultations so as you could help the two parties to reach a framework. It's very important. We hope to finish it by September. We want that.

Q Are you hopeful, sir?

PRESIDENT MUBARAK: I'm always hopeful. And I think with the cooperation with the United States and their support, I think this will be reached.

PRESIDENT CLINTON: I think the time is short for resolving this. And I think all the parties understand that without the involvement and leadership and support of Egypt, they won't be able to do it. President Mubarak has been critical to this process for nearly 20 years, now, certainly in all the time that I've been here. So we're going to work together and see if we can find a way to help the parties get over this next big hump.

THE PRESS: Thank you.

END 7:12 A.M. (L)