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JULY 23, 2000
Today, President Clinton announced new initiatives to expand access to
basic education and improve childhood development in poor countries.
Part of the Okinawa Summit's unprecedented emphasis on international
development, these measures include:
A new $300 million U.S. Department of Agriculture international
school nutrition pilot program to improve student enrollment,
attendance, and performance in poor countries. 2) Endorsement by the
G-8 of key international "Education for All" goals, including the
principle that no country with a strong national action plan to achieve
universal access to primary education by 2015 should be permitted to
fail for lack of resources. 3) A new commitment by the World Bank to
double lending for basic education in poor countries --- an estimated
additional $1 billion per year. 4) An FY 2001 Administration budget
request to increase funding for international basic education assistance
by 50% ($55 million) targeted to areas where structural weaknesses in
educational systems contribute to the prevalence of abusive child labor.
Better access to basic education can be a catalyst for poverty reduction
and broader participation in the benefits of global economic
integration. Literacy is fundamental not only to economic opportunity
in today's increasingly knowledge-intensive economy but also to maternal
and infant health, prevention and treatment of HIV-AIDS and other
infectious diseases, elimination of abusive child labor, improved
agricultural productivity, sustainable population growth and
environmental conditions, and expanded democratic participation and
respect for human rights.
The U.S. will launch a $300 million school feeding pilot program
working through the UN World Food Program in partnership with private
voluntary organizations. Building on ideas promoted by Ambassador
George McGovern and former Senator Robert Dole and explored at the World
Food Program (WFP), the USDA's Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) would
purchase surplus agricultural commodities and donate them for use in
school feeding and pre-school nutrition programs in poor countries with
strong action plans to expand access to and improve the quality of basic
For the first year of the program, the USG would spend $300 million
for commodities, international transportation, and other costs under the
current CCC authorities, feeding as many as 9 million schoolchildren and
pre-schoolers. -- The program would be initiated working through the
WFP in partnership with Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), the U.S.
share of which could grow over time depending upon participation by
other donors and eligibility by developing countries. -- Selection
criteria would be based on need and include a commitment and
contribution of resources by the host government, technical feasibility,
good progress toward a strong national action plan to achieve the Dakar
Education for All goals, and a commitment by the host government to
assume responsibility for operating the program within a
reasonable time frame where feasible. -- A portion of the
commodities could be sold to provide cash resources for in-country
program management, funding any associated programs (e.g. feeding
equipment purchases and local-commodity purchases, etc.), in-country
product storing, processing, handling and transportation, and purchasing
the appropriate foods for the local program. -- Funding would come
from USDA's Commodity Credit Corporation under the surplus removal
authority of the CCC Charter Act, and Section 416(b) of the Agricultural
Act of 1949, which provides for overseas donations of commodities in
CCC's inventory to carry out assistance programs in developing countries
and friendly countries. The last several years have seen record food
surpluses in the U.S., with corresponding record donations of food
overseas. USDA analysts project continued surpluses over the next few
The G-8 has strongly endorsed Education for All goals and called for
increased bilateral, multilateral, and private donor support for country
action plans. At the initiation of the U.S., the G-8 has agreed to
endorse the goals of a recently concluded international conference on
access to basic education. Held in April 2000 in Dakar, Senegal, the
World Education Forum gathered over 1,000 leaders from 145 countries to
increase the world community's commitment to basic education in poor
countries by:
Ensuring that no country with a strong national action plan to
expand access to and improve the quality of basic education should be
permitted to fail to implement its plan for lack of resources; --
Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in
difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have
access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good
quality; -- Achieving a 50% per cent improvement in level of adult
literacy by 2015, especially for women; -- Eliminating gender
disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005; -- Expanding
and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education.
In connection with the Summit and at the suggestion of the U.S.,
World Bank President James Wolfensohn has pledged that the Bank will
increase education lending by 50% and devote the increase to basic
education in support of the Dakar Framework -- a $1 billion increase or
doubling of the Bank's lending for this purpose. This step could
galvanize action on the part of the developing countries and other
public and private donors to develop a deeper partnership in support of
educating the world's youth.
The G-8 action builds on the President's FY 2001 budget initiative to
increase by 50% ($55 million) US assistance to strengthen educational
systems in areas of developing countries, targeted to areas where
abusive child labor is prevalent. The International Labor Organization
has estimated that 250 million children work worldwide. A lack of
educational alternatives exacerbates this problem. The Administration
initiative would complement direct efforts to reduce abusive child labor
such as those by the International Labor Organization by providing
support for improvements in educational systems.
The Okinawa Summit's focus on basic education in developing
countries builds on one of the primary achievement of last year's
G-7/G-8 Summit, the Cologne Debt Initiative, which will triple the scale
of debt relief available to countries undertaking economic reforms and
committing to devote the resources freed up by lower foreign debt
repayments to the education and health of their people. The President
has requested $435 million in appropriations for this year's
participation in the Cologne Debt Initiative, $810 million including FY
2002 and 2003.
The international community has set a goal of achieving universal access
to primary education by 2015; however, half of children in developing
countries do not attend school and 880 million adults remain illiterate.
An estimated 120 million children in developing countries do not attend
any school at all, and an additional 150 million children drop out of
school before completing the four years of schooling needed to develop
sustainable literacy and numeracy skills.
Girls represent over 60% and perhaps as many as two-thirds of the
children who are not in school. -- Where 20% of women or less read
and write, those women have an average of six children each. By
contrast, in countries in which female literacy has reached 80% or more,
this figure drops to fewer than three children each. -- Each year of
maternal education reduces childhood mortality by eight percent,
de-worming medicine. -- In Sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of children (42
million) are out of school. In South Asia, 26% (46 million) are not
enrolled in primary education. Of those children who do enroll, 33%
never finish in Sub-Saharan Africa, 41% in South Asia, and 26% in Latin
The United Nations World Food Program estimates that 300 million
children in developing countries are chronically hungry. Many of these
children are among the nearly 120 million who do not attend school.
Others are enrolled in school but underperform or drop out due in part
to hunger or malnourishment.
A 1996 World Bank study concluded that when children suffer from
hunger or poor nutrition and health, their weakened condition increases
their susceptibility to disease, reduces their learning capacity, forces
them to end their school careers prematurely, or keeps them out of
school altogether. -- An estimated 210 million children suffer from
iron deficiency anemia, 85 million are at higher risk for acute
respiratory disease and other infections because of vitamin A
deficiency, and 60 million live with iodine deficiency disorders. Each
condition adversely affects cognitive development, physical development,
and motivation, yet each is susceptible to cost effective treatment
because the body requires only minute quantities of the nutrients in
question. -- By helping to address these problems, school feeding and
pre-school child nutrition programs have been shown to have a
significant positive impact on rates of student enrollment, attendance
and performance.
The President's international school feeding pilot program and the G-8's
support for basic education in poor countries are part of the G-8's
unprecedented emphasis on development. One of the principal objectives
of the Okinawa Summit has been to strengthen the partnership of
developed and developing countries, international institutions, the
private sector, and civil society in support of global poverty
alleviation. The Summit will create a framework for significantly
increased bilateral, multilateral, and private sector assistance to poor
countries with effective policies in three interrelated areas:
infectious diseases, basic education, and information technology. The
goal is to mobilize a more comprehensive response by the international
community in response to developing countries that exert leadership at
home on these issues. No issue is more fundamental to human progress
that basic education:
Primary education is the single most important factor in accounting
for differences in growth rates between East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa
because it leads to greater achievement of secondary education,
according to the World Bank. -- An education helps people understand
health risks, including AIDS, and preventative steps and demand quality
treatment. -- Education opportunities are also critical to
eliminating abusive child labor. Around the world, tens of millions of
young children in their formative years work under hazardous conditions,
including toxic and carcinogenic substances in manufacturing, dangerous
conditions in mines and on sea fishing platforms, and backbreaking
physical labor. Some children labor in bondage, are sold into
prostitution, or are indentured to manufacturers, working against debts
for wages so low that they will never be repaid.