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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release May 11, 2000


I am very pleased by the overwhelming bipartisan vote in the House today to provide significant new resources to meet America's critical conservation and recreation needs. Today's vote on H.R. 701, the Conservation and Reinvestment Act, is a historic step toward achieving permanent conservation funding -- a goal embodied in the Lands Legacy initiative I put forward in my budget this year. I applaud Chairman Young, Representative Miller and others for their leadership on this effort.

We will continue working with Congress to secure protected and permanent conservation funding within the framework of a balanced budget that provides for critical budget and fiscal priorities, and with no burdensome or unnecessary restrictions on federal authorities that have proven so effective in preserving America's natural heritage. I urge the Senate to move swiftly on this legislation. I am confident that, working together, we can create a permanent conservation endowment that will be a true gift to future generations.
