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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                           (Atlanta, Georgia)
For Immediate Release                                     April 14, 2000


The President and Mrs. Clinton's 1999 federal income tax return shows $92,104 in Federal Income Tax on an Adjusted Gross Income of $416,039 of which $200,000 was the President's salary. The return shows that the Clintons made an overpayment on their taxes during 1999 of $2278. The Clintons have elected to apply this overpayment to their 2000 income taxes.

In addition to the President's salary, the Clintons' income included interest and dividend income and capital gains reported by the Paul Rudman Trust Company, the Trustee of the Clintons' blind trust; other interest income, and royalty income from Mrs. Clinton's book, It Takes A Village. In 1999, Mrs. Clinton donated $20,000 in royalty income primarily to charities across the country that support children and their families.

The return reports income of $12,000 from the Henry G. Freeman, Jr., Pin Money Fund, established under his 1912 will for whoever is, at a given time, the spouse of the President of the United States. Mrs. Clinton contributes this income to charitable causes, as she has in prior years.

The return reports total charitable contributions of $39,200 by the Clintons.
