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Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release February 2, 2000


Representative Vento's announcement today comes as sad news to all who have had the pleasure and privilege of working with him over the years.

Bruce and I were elected to the U.S. Congress in the same year. And it was clear to me from the start how deeply he believed that through public service -- at any level -- we can make a positive difference for our country. It was evident to all the first year members who met him that year that he had a passion for serving his country. And evidently, the voters of Minnesota also took note, returning him to office 12 times in a row. He returned the favor by becoming a strong and constant voice for social justice, the environment, and a champion for the interests of Minnesota.

I count Bruce as a close friend. I know he will be missed by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the House of Representatives. But I know his decision to retire from public service and to focus on his health and his family is the right one. Tipper and I wish him and his family all the best.
