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The White House

Office of the Press Secratary

For Immediate Release September 27, 1999


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|                   THE LARGEST SURPLUS IN HISTORY                     |
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|                        September 27, 1999                            |
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Turning Around Decades of Deficits to Achieve a Budget Surplus of At Least $115 Billion - the Largest Surplus Ever. In 1993, President Clinton put in place a three-part economic strategy to cut the deficit to help reduce interest rates and spur business investment; to invest in education, health care, and technology so that America was prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century; and to open markets abroad so that American workers would have a fair chance to compete and win across the globe. Today, the Administration estimates that we will have a surplus of at least $115 billion, the largest dollar surplus in history.

Spending Restraint Has Been Key to Ushering in an Era of Surpluses

These Surpluses Have Led to Debt Reduction and Helped Strengthen of the Economy.

For America's Working Families, The Improved Fiscal Situation Means Lower Mortgage Rates And A Brighter Economic Future. Here?s what the improved fiscal situation means to typical families:

Under the President's Framework to Save Social Security and Strengthen Medicare, the Publicly Held Debt Is Projected to be Eliminated by 2015. The last time the nation was debt free was during the administration of President Andrew Jackson in 1835.