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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release September 7, 1999


Warm greetings to all who are celebrating Rosh Hashana.

During this season of renewal and redemption, Jews from across the nation and around the world heed the sound of the shofar announcing the beginning of the High Holy Days and gather together with family and friends to celebrate the creation of the world and the beginning of the new year.

Rosh Hashana is a time for rejoicing, but it also is a time for serious prayer and reflection. Jews give thanks for their blessings and repent for their mistakes. They resolve to change what they can to make the new year better than the last.

Regrettably, this past year saw too many examples of hatred and violence inspired by ignorance and prejudice. We all can learn from the Jewish people's strong dedication to civil rights and tolerance, and we all must redouble our efforts to combat the forces of intolerance that still linger in our society.

As we celebrate Rosh Hashana, I urge all Americans to join the Jewish community and to come together as a nation to speak out against hate crimes and to appreciate our common humanity. Together, we can work to ensure that the tragedies of the past year are not repeated and that the coming year is filled with happiness and peace.

Hillary joins me in extending best wishes for a meaningful observance.


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