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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release August 18, 1999


Today's 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reveals that we have turned an important corner on youth drug use. Last year, youth drug use declined significantly, and fewer young people tried marijuana for the first time. This encouraging news shows that more young people are getting the message that drugs are wrong and illegal, and can kill you. And today's report contains even more good news: current cigarette use dropped to the lowest rate ever recorded by the Survey.

While these results give us reason to be optimistic, we cannot let up on our efforts. We must continue our unprecedented media campaign to reach our children with powerful anti-drug messages, not cut it back just as it is making an impact. We must expand our partnerships with community anti-drug coalitions, and work to enact our long-term drug strategy. Together, we can steer our children away from drugs and toward a brighter future.
