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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                     (Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina)
For Immediate Release                                      July 30, 1999


Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe

Today President Clinton joined over forty leaders from across Europe and North America in reaffirming our shared commitment to support the reconstruction, development, democratization, stabilization and integration of southeast Europe, in the wake of victory in Kosovo, by formally launching the Stability Pact.

The Stability Pact, signed last month by representatives of over 27 democracies, including the United States, is an initiative to prevent regional crises such as the Kosovo conflict from repeating in the future. It seeks to help build a Southeast Europe animated by cooperation and democracy rather than further conflict and ethnic cleansing. Its goal is to stabilize, transform and eventually integrate the region into the European and transatlantic mainstream.

The European Union in its leading role in implementing the Stability Pact and will provide the lion's share of necessary resources. The United States will also play a major role, providing direction and a fair share of the resources, in service to our national interests. The Pact acknowledges NATO's leading role in the security field as the OSCE will play in the democratization working table.
