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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release July 15, 1999


July 15, 1999

Today, President Clinton will meet with over 80 high school students from Littleton, Colorado and the Denver area to discuss the importance of enacting common sense gun legislation. The President will insist that Congress send to his desk for signature - without further delay -- the reasonable gun measures already passed by the Senate.

Last month, House leaders, bowing to the gun lobby, tried to pass a bill that would have weakened current gun laws instead of strengthening them. Since then, House and Senate leaders have failed to name conferees to resolve issues surrounding the juvenile crime bill - allowing the gun lobby even more time to try and stop common sense gun legislation from becoming law.

After the meeting, the President will urge Congress to listen to these students - instead of the gun lobby -- and to act to strengthen our gun laws before the start of the next school year. Specifically, the President will ask Congress to send him legislation that will:

Keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and children has been a key priority of the Clinton Administration. Since the President took office, gun-related crime has dropped by over 25 percent. Administration accomplishments include:
