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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release June 12, 1999
                          ABUSIVE CHILD LABOR
                             June 12, 1999

At the University of Chicago, President Clinton will today tell graduating students, their families, and faculty that "forced child labor is an abomination, anywhere and everywhere." He will describe three steps that the Clinton Administration is taking to fight the worst forms of child labor.

     The President is signing today an Executive Order directing federal
     agencies to take steps to ban procurement of goods made by forced
     or indentured child labor.

     Last year, the U.S. increased ten-fold the funds for protecting
     children from abusive child labor worldwide; the President is
     seeking $10 million more in FY 2000.

     The U.S. is negotiating a new international convention to ban the
     worst forms of child labor that should become a widely accepted
     international standard.

The Problems of Child Labor

Banning of Goods Made By Forced Child Labor

     Directs federal agencies to develop a list of products that may
     have been mined, produced, or manufactured by forced or indentured
     child labor;
     Directs the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council to publish
     regulations requiring that federal contractors provide a
     certification that: (1) the contractor has made a good faith effort
     to determine whether forced or indentured child labor was used in
     producing the product; and (2) the contractor is unaware of any
     such use of child labor; and
     Directs that the proposed procurement regulations subject
     contractors found to be in violation to suspension or debarment
     from Federal procurement.

The ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor

U.S. Efforts Save Children From Abusive Labor

     --Remove a thousand young children from abusive domestic service in
       Haiti and provide 10,000 more with education, healthcare, and
       other rehabilitative services to combat or prevent abuse;
     --Prevent 2500 children from entering work, and withdraw another
       2200 children, making fireworks in dangerous conditions in
       Guatemala; and
     --Help the Ugandan government develop a national strategy to combat
       exploitative child labor.
                           GLOBAL ECONOMY"                            
                            June 12, 1999                             

President Clinton today in a speech before graduating students of the University of Chicago will outline a broad, new policy framework for approaching the economic and social challenges posed by rapid technological change and world economic integration. Elaborating on the appeal he made in his State of the Union speech in January to put a human face on the global economy, he will present an agenda in the areas of international trade, labor, and financial policy aimed at building a new public consensus in support of continued US leadership in the liberalization of world trade and investment rules.

The President WILL Articulate Three Policy Challenges:

Freeing Trade and Raising Labor Standards. The President will reiterate his call in the State of the Union address for a new consensus on trade that recognizes the need to open markets further while addressing the concerns of working people at home and abroad. Arguing that the "greatest hope for the American middle class is the creation of a global middle class," the President will:

Building a More Stable International Financial System. Reflecting on US-led efforts to respond to the international financial crisis that began in Southeast Asia two years ago, the President will reiterate his call for a new international financial architecture "as modern as the markets it serves." He will state that work is close to completion on new rules to promote:

Spreading the benefits of global growth more widely. Asserting that "growth broadly shared is better sustained," the President will argue for widening the circle of prosperity generated by the new, global economy in part by drawing the poorest countries further into international commerce and reducing their debt burdens. To this end, he will announce that:
