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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                           (Tucson, Arizona)
For Immediate Release                                  February 25, 1999
                        REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT
                           IN RADIO ACTUALITY 
                        Tucson Convention Center
                            Tucson, Arizona    

THE PRESIDENT: This year, we have a remarkable opportunity to work together across party lines to bring true progress to America's public schools. I welcome the idea of greater flexibility for states and school districts, and I urge the Senate to pass the so-called Ed-flex legislation, because it provides for greater flexibility and greater accountability.

But we must do more to give our children a world-class education. That's why I also strongly support the amendment to the legislation proposed by Senators Kennedy and Murray to continue the national commitment we began last year: to hire 100,000 new teachers and to reduce class size all across America.

Studies confirm what every parent already knows -- smaller classes make a big difference, from improved test scores to improved discipline. The Senate should pass the Kennedy-Murray Amendment and give our nation's children the individual attention they deserve in the classroom and the better future only a good education can bring.