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Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release September 12, 1998
                            (As Delivered)

     Let me say this:   President Clinton has spoken a number of times

the last few weeks -- and most recently, of course, yesterday morning in a very eloquent statement during the prayer breakfast at the White House -- about the issues involved in the Independent Counsel's report. He has accepted responsibility for his actions, he has said he did wrong, he has asked for forgiveness and he has addressed the issues he needs to address.

While the President's lawyers are dealing with the details and the technical issues that are in the report, let me just say that I do not believe that this report serves as the basis for overturning the judgment of the American people in 1992 and again in 1996 that Bill Clinton should be their President.

And let me add, that for almost six years now I have worked along side this President as he has led us toward unprecedented prosperity and towards solutions for the problems that we need to address in America. We have made tremendous progress under his leadership. He is doing a tremendous job as President and I look forward to continuing to work with him as he continues to address the issues that face this country.
