Office of the Press Secretary
President Clinton and Vice President Gore Supporting Investments in the Young People of America August 3, 1998
Congress Retreats from Support for Education and Youth. Republicans in the House of Representatives are advancing a bill that denies educational and training opportunities to the young people of America. The House Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill, which will soon be put to a vote, cuts $3.3 billion from the President's education and training priorities.
The House Republican Bill:
Eliminates the $871 million Summer Jobs program. Up to 530,000 disadvantaged young people would be denied the opportunity to gain skills and valuable work experience over the summer months. Studies show that the Summer Jobs initiative works. A 1995 report concluded that more than three out of four young people enrolled in the program would have been jobless without it, especially 14-15 year-olds. Retreats from the nation's commitment to raise academic standards. President Clinton has proposed to help states, local communities and schools raise academic standards through the development of voluntary national tests in the basic skills and through the Goals 2000 program. The House bill denies 6,000 schools nationwide funds to help students reach high standards and would halt development of voluntary national tests in fourth grade reading and eighth grade math. Short-changes Head Start. Denies slots to up to 25,000 low-income children compared to President Clinton's budget. Eliminates funds for reading tutors. The House bill eliminates $260 million for the America Reads Challenge, denying funding to schools and communities to improve reading programs and provide tutors. Denies funds for after-school programs. The House bill reduces the President's request for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program by $140 million, denying approximately 425,000 school-age children participation in before- and after-school programs. Denies disadvantaged students help in the basic skills. The House bill denies funds to help an additional 520,000 educationally disadvantaged students master the basic skills, by cutting the President's request for Title 1 by almost $400 million. Slows progress in putting computers in the classroom. The House bill denies funding to 400 school districts nationwide to provide students and teachers with access to computers and denies specialized technology training to a large number of new teachers first entering the classroom. Eliminates funding to prepare disadvantaged children for college. The House bill denies more than one million at-risk middle school students (over five years) the mentoring and tutoring to raise education expectations and eliminate barriers to college, by denying $140 million for the High Hopes program. Eliminates funding for middle school safety coordinators. The House bill denies 6,500 middle schools throughout the nation with $50 million that would provide full-time Safe and Drug-Free Schools Coordinators. Denies funding for key child care initiatives. The House bill denies $180 million in child care funding that we proposed to improve and enforce health and safety standards. Eliminates Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP). Under President Clinton's budget, more than four million low-income families receive help to pay for heating costs in the winter or to stay cool in the summer. Under the Republican plan, they won't get a penny.