Office of the Press Secretary
Late last night, I was pleased to sign into law a bill that exempts agriculture credits from the nuclear sanctions imposed on Pakistan and India.
We need to make sure that our sanctions policy furthers our foreign policy goals without imposing undue burdens on our farmers. That's why I supported this legislation to ensure that U.S. wheat and other farm products will not be the unintended victims of an important non-proliferation law. When implementing sanctions, we must never forget their humanitarian impact.
This action allows us to send a strong message abroad, without ignoring the real needs of those here at home. After Congress phased out federal farm supports, it became more essential for American farmers to sell their grains, meats, fruits and vegetables to markets around the world. And today, products from one of every three acres planted in America are sold abroad. Whenever we can, we should look for ways to expand our agricultural exports, not restrict them.