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Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release June 29, 1998
                     ON GRAY WOLF RECOVERY EFFORTS

I am delighted by Secretary Babbitt's announcement today that America's native gray wolf population is on the rebound.

In an earlier time, we hunted these magnificent creatures to near extinction. Today, thanks to federal recovery efforts and the strength of the species itself, wolves are again thriving on our lands. Best of all, we are finding ways to ensure that they flourish without causing our communities economic harm.

There is perhaps no greater symbol of the American wilds than the howl of a wolf roaming free. The return of the gray wolf is a testament to nature's resilience -- and also to the remarkable success of the Endangered Species Act. In fact, we soon may be able to remove some populations of the gray wolf from the endangered species list. I look forward to the day when no American wolves are in danger of extinction.