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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release June 2, 1998

CENSUS 2000:

Providing America With Important Information

Census data directly affects decisions made on all matters of national and local importance, including education, employment, veterans' services, public health care, rural development, the environment, transportation and housing. Many Federal programs are statutorily required to use decennial census data to develop, evaluate and implement their programs.

Federal, state, and county governments use census information to guide the annual distribution of $180 billion dollars in critical services.

Congressional seats are reapportioned and legislative districts are drawn based on decennial census data.


CHILD CARE -- Census data on the number of working parents, family income, and the age of children are used to locate areas in need of child care facilities. The census information impacts programs like the Child Care and Development Block Grant ($8 billion in FY97), a program that enables low income families to obtain child care while they are at work, in job training, or school.

SENIORS -- Under the Older American Act, funds for food, health care, and legal services are distributed to local agencies based on census data.

EDUCATION'S TITLE I PROGRAM -- The Department of Education uses census data to identify school districts and allocate funds under Title I, helping to provide extra help in the basics for students most in need, particularly communities and schools with high concentrations of children in low-income families.

SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE -- The Social Security Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services use census data to forecast the number of people eligible for Social Security and Medicare benefits.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES -- The Federal Highway Administration (DOT) allocates funds for public transportation services for the elderly and people with disabilities based on census data.

JOB TRAINING -- The Labor Department uses census estimates in support of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) to prepare young people and adults facing serious impediments to employment by providing job and skills training.

RURAL COMMUNITIES -- The Farmers Home Administration uses census data to allocate funds for housing assistance for elderly and low-income individuals and families in rural areas.

COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT -- The Treasury Department uses census data for the Community Reinvestment Act to help determine whether financial institutions are meeting the credit needs of minorities in low- and moderate-income areas.