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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release June 1, 1998

June 1, 1998


SUBJECT: Plain Language in Government Writing

The Vice President and I have made reinventing the Federal Government a top priority of my Administration. We are determined to make the Government more responsive, accessible, and understandable in its communications with the public.

The Federal Government's writing must be in plain language. By using plain language, we send a clear message about what the Government is doing, what it requires, and what services it offers. Plain language saves the Government and the private sector time, effort, and money.

Plain language requirements vary from one document to another, depending on the intended audience. Plain language documents have logical organization, easy-to-read design features, and use:

common, everyday words, except for necessary technical terms;

"you" and other pronouns;

the active voice; and

short sentences.

To ensure the use of plain language, I direct you to do the following:

      By October 1, 1998, use plain language in all new documents,
     other than regulations, that explain how to obtain a benefit or
     service or how to comply with a requirement you administer or
     enforce.  For example, these documents may include letters,
     forms, notices, and instructions.  By January 1, 2002, all such
     documents created prior to October 1, 1998, must also be in
     plain language.

      By January 1, 1999, use plain language in all proposed and
     final rulemaking documents published in the Federal Register,
     unless you proposed the rule before that date.  You should
     consider rewriting existing regulations in plain language when
     you have the opportunity and resources to do so.

The National Partnership for Reinventing Government will issue guidance to help you comply with these directives and to explain more fully the elements of plain language. You should also use customer feedback and common sense to guide your plain language efforts.

I ask the independent agencies to comply with these directives.

This memorandum does not confer any right or benefit enforceable by law against the United States or its representatives. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget will publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.


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