Office of the Vice President
Vice President Gore Announces New Web Site
Washington DC -- Vice President Gore announced today a new web site dedicated to strengthening reinvention efforts in Federal organizations and agencies. The site, found at, is the homepage of the Federal Communicators Network (FCN), a national organization comprised of "communicators" or key employees committed to disseminating information about successful reinventing government practices to Federal workers. "This web site is an important step in our effort to create a more responsive and productive government for the American people in the coming century," the Vice President said. "By making information more readily available to Federal employees, we are strengthening the effectiveness of government." The FCN was created by the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR) shortly after the Vice President called for a network of individuals dedicated to providing government employees and managers with timely, accurate, comprehensive information about effective reinvention initiatives and accomplishments.
An example of public-private sector collaboration, the site was created by the NPR, the Federal Communicators Network, the U.S. Treasury Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the monthly magazine Government Executive. Membership to the FCN is free and open to communicators in the government and private sectors.