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                     Office of the Press Secretary
                           (Kampala, Uganda)
For Immediate Release                                     March 24, 1998

                             State House Lodge
                              Kampala, Uganda

11:12 A.M. (L)

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.

Q Mr. President, we haven't yet had the opportunity to ask you about your decision to invoke executive privilege, sir. Why shouldn't the American people see that as an effort to hide something from them?

THE PRESIDENT: Look, that's a question that's being asked and answered back home by the people who are responsible to do that. I don't believe I should be discussing that here.

Q Could you at least tell us why you think the First Lady might be covered by that privilege, why her conversations might fall under that?

THE PRESIDENT: All I know is -- I saw an article about it in the paper today. I haven't discussed it with the lawyers. I don't know. You should ask someone who does.

Q There is speculation, sir, you're glad to be out of Washington for a couple of weeks. Is that the case?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I'm glad to be doing the business of the United States and the people. I've looked forward to this for years. And I think most Americans want me to do the job I was elected to do. And so I'm going to try to do what most people want me to do.

Q What was your reaction to the crowd yesterday? We saw -- the pictures were pretty dramatic.

THE PRESIDENT: I thought it was wonderful. I've never seen so many people at an event. But what I was concerned about, there were two people there who were just wedged between the crowd and the barrier, and I was afraid they would be hurt, or perhaps even killed, if we didn't get room for them. And they got them out and it was fine. It was a wonderful day, I loved it.

Q Have you talked to Boris Yeltsin, Mr. President?


END 11:15 A.M. (L)