Office of the Press Secretary
Accomplishments of U.S.-China Summit
The agreements reached today by the United States and China in a broad range of areas will further cooperation toward a more stable, secure, open, and prosperous world for the 21st century.
Nonproliferation: The United States and China have a common interest in keeping weapons of mass destruction and other sophisticated weapons out of unstable regions and away from rogue states and terrorists. These weapons fuel instability, spark conflict and threaten the reliable supply of energy and secure shipping lanes.
Strengthening Controls. China has taken new, concrete steps to prevent nuclear proliferation that threaten the interests of both countries. China has:
Promulgated for the first time strict national regulations to control exports of nuclear material, equipment and technology; Issued a State Council directive controlling export of dual-use items with potential nuclear use; Joined the Zangger Committee, an international group which coordinates international nuclear suppliers' efforts to control nuclear exports; Agreed not to provide assistance to unsafeguarded nuclear facilities, including through personnel and scientific exchanges; Provided assurances addressing U.S. concerns about nuclear cooperation with Iran; Tightened controls over the export of chemicals that could be used in chemical weapons programs.
Regional Stability. The U.S. and China discussed the danger posed by the provision of advanced conventional weapons to Iran which threaten maritime activities and regional stability. China has agreed to take steps to address U.S. concerns. The United States will continue to monitor this issue.
Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation. Subject to case-by-case licensing and on-going U.S. monitoring, President Clinton will take action to enable U.S. companies to compete in China's nuclear power market. This will allow U.S. companies to provide energy and environment friendly technology to fill China's growing energy needs.
Human Rights: The United States and China have fundamental differences in the area of human rights. The President raised U.S. concerns about prisoners of conscience in custody for the peaceful expression of their views and about other restrictions on expression, association, religious freedom, assembly, and the protection of cultural and religious traditions of Tibet. China has taken the following actions concerning human rights:
Religious Freedom. China has invited a distinguished group of American religious leaders representing the Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish faiths to visit China to observe Chinese religious practices.
Prisoner Accounting. China has resumed cooperation with businessman and human rights activist John Kamm in his project of accounting for prisoners.
NGO FORUM. The United States and China agreed to preparatory talks establishing a Forum for U.S. and China NGOs and officials to discuss human rights issues. United Nations Covenant. China has signed the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which obligates parties to promote progressive development of these rights in their societies. UN Working Group. China hosted a visit of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, which investigates detention of prisoners in circumstances that may violate internationally recognized human rights standards.
Political and Security Dialogues: The United States and China have an interest in deepening the strategic dialogue between our two countries which will contribute to a secure and stable world. As part of the effort to deepen the relationship between the United States and China, the two Presidents agreed to:
Meet regularly in their respective capitals. Authorize the Secretaries of State and Defense and the National Security Advisor and their Chinese counterparts to exchange regular visits. Authorize subcabinet meetings on political, military, security and arms control issues to be held on a regular basis. Establish a direct Presidential communications link. Participate actively in UN discussions aimed at putting the UN on a sounder financial basis.
Military-to-Military Relations: The United States and China have a common interest in developing military-to-military relations in ways that minimize the chance of miscalculation, advance transparency, and strengthen communication.
Military Maritime Safety. An agreement designed to avoid incidents, miscalculation, or misunderstandings between our naval forces. Armed Forces Exchanges. The United States and Chinese armed forces will share information regarding humanitarian crises and disaster relief with the aim of closer coordination in their reactions to such problems.
Promoting Rule of Law: The United States and China have a common interest in developing legal and judicial institutions that provide more predictability and protections both for economic interactions and for non-economic activity involving ordinary citizens.
Strengthening Legal Institutions. The United States and China agreed to establish a joint liaison group pursuing cooperation on the rule of law, including in areas such as training of judges and lawyers, exchanges of legal experts, administrative law procedures, legal aid, and commercial law and arbitration.
Cooperation in Law Enforcement: The United States and China have a common interest in cooperating against the new transnational threats of international crime, alien smuggling and narco-trafficking. The two Presidents agreed to:
Fighting Drugs. The United States will station Drug Enforcement Administration officers in its Embassy in Beijing to work in liaison with Chinese counternarcotics agencies on cases involving violations of U.S. narcotics laws. Fighting Crime. The United States and China agreed to establish a joint liaison group including agencies dealing with law enforcement to strengthen efforts against international organized crime, narcotics trafficking, alien smuggling, counterfeiting, and money laundering. High Level Dialogue. At the invitation of Attorney General Reno, China's Justice Minister will visit the United States in November, accompanied by legal and law enforcement experts.
Economic Growth: The United States and China have a common interest in making global trade and investment as free, fair, and open as possible. The United States will continue to press China to provide fair access to its market. China has agreed to:
Boeing Purchase. China has agreed to purchase 50 Boeing aircraft valued at approximately $3 billion. Information Technology Agreement. China has agreed to participate in the ITA (Information Technology Agreement) which cuts to zero tariffs on computers, semiconductors and telecommunications equipment. Financial News Services. China and the United States have reached agreement in principle on regulations governing provision of financial news services by foreign companies to Chinese clients that will allow U.S. companies to operate on acceptable terms.
Energy and the Environment: The United States and China have a common interest in promoting economic growth and protecting the environment at the same time.
Clean Energy. The United States and China agreed on an initiative to develop clean energy projects in China through use of U.S. products and technology and to enhance research and other cooperative efforts in this field. The principal areas of cooperation will be urban air pollution control and rural electrification, and clean energy sources and energy efficiency. The initiative is an outgrowth of the U.S.-China Forum on Environment and Development established during Vice President Gore's March 1997 visit to China.
Science and Technology: The United States and China have a common interest in developing the technology of the future that will spur cooperation in areas of mutual interest such as space exploration and medical research. The two countries will continue to cooperate through existing Science & Technology agreements currently in place and will undertake new cooperative projects in using space for earth science research.
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