Office of the Press Secretary
Presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection
Last year, President Clinton appointed a Presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection. The Commission's mandate was to study the vulnerability of our nation's critical infrastructure -- telecommunications, energy, finance and banking, transportation and vital human services. The President asked the Commission to recommend a comprehensive national policy and implementation strategy for protecting critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats. The Commission submitted its Final Report on Monday, October 20.
The President greatly appreciates the work of Commission Chair Robert T. Marsh, his fellow Commissioners, and their staff for working tirelessly on this issue. In carrying out its mandate, the Commission has consulted widely with representatives of the private sector in order to ensure the report reflects the best experience and counsel of corporate America. The report, along with other information, will help the President's staff to advise him as he makes decisions regarding the protection of our nation's critical infrastructure.
While America's infrastructure is robust and resilient, the President believes it is important to act now to ensure that America's economic prosperity and national security is protected against any potential future threat. The release of this new information reflects President Clinton's commitment to protecting the nation from threats to our critical infrastructure. The National Security Council staff will lead an interagency review of the report and prepare final recommendations for the President.
This Administration looks forward to continuing the cooperation with members of Congress on developing a bipartisan consensus to address new emerging threats to America's national security.
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