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Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release September 16, 1997


WASHINGTON -- Vice President Gore today (9/16) unveiled a new website, the U.S. NonProfit Gateway, a one-stop shopping center for information on how government can empower non-profit groups.

"The NonProfit Gateway opens the door for non-profit groups to more than 300,000 government web pages," said Vice President Gore. "This is a remarkable partnership between the federal government and hundreds of non-profit groups. I know that this site will help empower people with the tools they need to help others."

The NonProfit Gateway home page,, has links to information on grants, budgets, volunteer opportunities, and agency partnerships. Each of the 15 different departments and agencies has created a local non-profit home page, tailored to its own unique resources. The NonProfit Gateway links them together using a central directory.

The Vice President highlighted several examples of information that can be accessed from the website, including:

Department of Education -- Partnership for Family Involvement for Education online service. This allows people across the country to share information on family-school-community partnerships.

Environmental Protection Agency -- "EnviroFacts" service allows people to access maps which display air pollution levels, Superfund clean-up decisions, and the release of more than 650 toxic chemicals by companies.

Housing and Urban Development and Department of Agriculture -- These departments have teamed up to provide information on the Administration's Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community initiative.

Department of Health and Human Services -- "HealthFinder" service provides high-quality consumer health information.

Department of Labor -- "America's Job Bank" is a service for job seekers and employers that was created in conjunction with the 50 state employment services.

The NonProfit Gateway network was created during the past 12 months by an inter-agency task force chaired by Doris Matsui, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, and by local teams in each of the 15 participating agencies. Local non-profit liaison officers, previously appointed by President Clinton and Vice President Gore, played key roles in the inter-agency task force and local teams.
