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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release August 9, 1997


President Clinton Issues Executive Order to Protect Federal Employees from Environmental Tobacco Smoke August 9, 1997

President Clinton signed an executive order that will ban smoking in all federal Executive Branch facilities, except in limited circumstances. Today's action is an important step to protect the health of federal employees, and the members of the public who visit or use federal facilities, from the health risks of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).

Making Federal Facilities Smoke-Free

Federal agencies' smoking policies vary, and many must be strengthened to fully protect federal workers and visitors from ETS exposure. Over 15 federal agencies ban smoking indoors. But many agencies still allow smoking in areas where non-smokers and visitors may be exposed to ETS. The President's Executive Order:

Implementing Strong, Science-Based Measures

Strong scientific evidence documents that exposure to ETS is a serious health risk:

Building on the President's Record

In August 1996, President Clinton announced a comprehensive Food and Drug Administration rule to protect children from tobacco. The regulation seeks to reduce children's tobacco use by 50% over seven years by restricting children's access to cigarettes and smokeless tobacco and by reducing the products' appeal. Two provisions of the rule are already in effect: