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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release July 16, 1997

July 16, 1997


SUBJECT: Implementation of Revised Air Quality Standards for Ozone

and Particulate Matter

I have approved the issuance of new air quality standards to provide important new health protection for all Americans by further controlling pollution from ozone and particulate matter. These new standards promise to improve the lives of millions of Americans in coming years.

Consistent with my Administration's approach to regulatory decision making, I also want to ensure that these new standards are implemented in a common sense, cost-effective manner. It is critically important that these standards be implemented in the most flexible, reasonable, and least burdensome manner, and that the Federal Government work with State and local governments and other interested parties to this end.

I have determined that there are certain essential elements of an approach to implementation that will accomplish these goals. I direct you to use the following elements when implementing the new air quality standards:

  1. Implementation of the air quality standards is to be carried out to maximize common sense, flexibility, and cost effectiveness;
  2. Implementation shall ensure that the Nation continues its progress toward cleaner air by respecting the agreements already made by States, communities, and businesses to clean up the air, and by avoiding additional burdens with respect to the beneficial measures already underway in many areas. Implementation also shall be structured to reward State and local governments that take early action to provide clean air to their residents; and to respond to the fact that pollution travels hundreds of miles and crosses many State lines;
  3. Implementation shall ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency ("Agency") completes its next periodic review of particulate matter, including review by the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, within 5 years of issuance of the new standards, as contemplated by the Clean Air Act. Thus, by July 2002, the Agency will have determined, based on data available from its review, whether to revise or maintain the standards. This determination will have been made before any areas have been designated as "nonattainment" under the PM2.5 standards and before imposition of any new controls related to the PM2.5 standards; and
  4. Implementation is to be accomplished with the minimum amount of paperwork and shall seek to reduce current paperwork requirements wherever possible.

Excellent preliminary work on the strategy for carrying out these implementation principles has been accomplished by an interagency Administration group and I commend that group for these important efforts. The group's work is set out in the attached plan, which is hereby incorporated by reference.

In order for the implementation of these standards to proceed in accordance with the goals I have established, I hereby direct you, in consultation with all affected agencies and parties, to undertake the steps appropriate under law to carry out the attached plan and to complete all necessary guidance and rulemaking no later than December 31, 1998.

This memorandum is for the purposes of internal Administration management only, and is not judicially reviewable.

You are authorized and directed to publish this determination and plan in the Federal Register.


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