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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 25, 1997


         Postponement of Presidential Travel to Mexico, Brazil,
                        Argentina and Venezuela

The President's trips to Latin America have been adjusted in connection with his recovery from knee surgery.

The President's visit to Mexico has been postponed to May 6-7. The regional summit meetings in Bridgetown, Barbados and San Jose, Costa Rica will go forward as scheduled during the week of May 6-10. The President's visits to Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela have been rescheduled to October 12-17.

The Administration is committed to moving forward on the broad hemispheric agenda set out by the region's democratic leaders at the 1994 Miami Summit, including the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas. Building on the February 26 State visit of Chilean President Frei, the President will use the April 8 State visit of Canadian Prime Minister Chretien; his travel in May to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean; and his fall visit to South America to ensure solid progress at the March 1998 Summit of the Americas in Santiago.

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