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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 3, 1997

In response to a question at the White House Daily Press Briefing, Clinton-Gore Campaign Counsel Lyn Utrecht provided the following information:

The Clinton/Gore Primary Commitee or General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance Fund received contributions from five individuals who the DNC deemed inappropriate contributors, Farhad Azima, Chong Lo, Sang Ming Nguyen, Max Salas and Wang Mei Trie. In each instance, the contribution was in the form of a personal check drawn on a US bank, the campaign received the required occupation and employer information, and the contribution was within the $1000 contribution limit. Based on the results of the DNC review, however, Clinton/Gore has today refunded these contributions.

     Farhad Azima:  $1,000 Primary
                    $1,000 GELAC

     Chong Lo:      $1,000 Primary

     Sang Ming Nguyen:   $200 GELAC

     Max Salas:          $250 Primary
     Wang Mei Trie: $1,000 Primary
