Office of the Press Secretary
President Clinton today announced his intention to appoint Richard R. Parizek of State College, Pennsylvania, to the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board.
Dr. Parizek is a Professor of Geology at Pennsylvania State University where he has served on the faculty from 1961 to present. His work has focused on radioactive waste disposal and the relationship between land use and ground water pollution. Dr. Parizek has served as an Administrative Judge for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel since 1990. Dr. Parizek was a member of the Love Canal Litigation Team from 1983-1985, and also a member of the Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation's Salt Modeling Task Force in 1985. Prior to joining the litigation team, Dr. Parizek served as an Assistant and Associate Director of the Mineral Conservation Section of Pennsylvania State University from 1969-1985. Dr. Parizek holds a B.A. in Geology from the University of Connecticut and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Illinois.
The Board, established in the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments of 1987, is charged with evaluating the scientific and technical validity of activities undertaken by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in its program to manage and dispose of the nation's spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. The major task facing members of the Board will be to evaluate the scientific and technical validity of the DOE's site characterization work at the Yucca Mountain Site in Nevada. In 1998 the DOE intends to assess the viability of the site as a permanent repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste.