Office of the Press Secretary
The Office of White House Fellowships today announced ninety-nine Regional Finalists for the 1997-1998 class of White House Fellows. White House Fellows spend a year working as full- time paid assistants to senior White House, Cabinet and other Executive Branch officials. Previous Fellows include former HUD-Secretary Henry Cisneros, retired Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell, and CNN President Tom Johnson.
Only one in five applicants was selected as a Regional Finalist this year. During March and April, panels of local leaders in Washington, New York, Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco will interview the Regional Finalists and select 30-33 National Finalists, who will then be interviewed by the President's Commission on White House Fellowships. The Commission will meet with National Finalists from June 12-15 and then recommend 11-19 names to President Clinton for appointment.
The White House Fellowship program, established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, provides an opportunity for outstanding Americans in their early to mid-30s to spend a year working at the highest levels of the federal government. Their assignments range from speech writing and developing policy papers to conducting briefings. In addition, the fellows participate in an education program that includes off-the-record meetings with high-ranking government officials, scholars, journalists and private-sector leaders. White House Fellows are chosen for their leadership potential and are expected to return to their communities and professions after their year of service to share their new knowledge of how the government works.
This year's Regional Finalists come from 29 different states, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Their occupational backgrounds are diverse. The group includes 10 physicians, 2 public school teachers, several business and investment analysts, a rural health administrator and a state ecology supervisor. A complete list of the Regional Finalists is appended below.
To obtain an application for the 1998-99 program, please write to the White House Fellows Program, 712 Jackson Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20503. Only U.S. Citizens may apply, and employees of the Federal government are not eligible except if they are in the armed services.
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The President's Commission on White House Fellowships 1997-98 Regional Finalists
Anuj J. Agarwal, 31 Investment Banker, The Blackstone Group,
New York, N.Y.
Linda S. Aldrich, 46 Major, USAF, Offutt AFB, Nebraska
Sabina Marie Alkire, 28 Lecturer in Ethics, Oxford, England
David Altshuler, 36 President, Mutual Analytics, Cambridge,
Amy E. Alving, 35 Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering &
Mechanics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Mary C. Andrews, 33 MPA Candidate, JFK School of Government,
Cambridge, MA
Paul J.Asel, 33 Senior Vice President, U.S. Russia Investment
Fund, New York, NY
Kenneth W. Austin, 30 Corporate Lawyer, Davis Polk & Wardwell,
New York, NY
Thomas E. Ayres, 35 Major, US Army, Environmental Law Division,
Arlington, VA
Scott Berns, 33 Pediatric Emergency Physician, Rhode Island
Hospital, Providence, RI
Pieter Boelhouwer, 30 Management Consultant, McKinsey & Company,
Stamford, CT
Clarence Bouchat, 38 Major, USAF, Osan AB, Republic of Korea
Paul I. Bowen, III, 28 Lieutenant, USN, Annapolis, MD
Todd Boyd, 33 Assistant Professor, USC School of Cinema-TV, Los
Angeles, CA
Peter J. Bragdon, 35 Corporate Securities Attorney, Stoel Rives
LLP, Portland, OR
John C. Burchett, 35 Assistant Corporation Counsel for Wayne
County, Detroit, MI
Jean C. Callahan, 34 Staff Attorney, Legal Aid Society, New York,
Brad Rogers Carson, 30 Attorney, Crowe & Dunlevy, Tulsa, OK
Richard Corriea, 40 Police Sergeant, San Francisco Police
Department, CA
Tamera Coyne-Beasley, 32 Physician, Robert Wood Johnson Clinical
Scholar, Chapel Hill, NC
Tara S. Crean, 26 Law Student, University of Chicago Law School,
Chicago, IL
Cary J. Davis, 31 Vice President, E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Co.,
Inc., New York, NY
Michael J. Dino, 33 Assistant to the Mayor, City and County of
Denver, CO
Cheryl L. Dorsey, 34 Pediatric Resident, Children's National
Medical Center, Washington, DC
Donna J. Duellberg, 36 Commander, US Army, Fort Drum, NY
Katherine Eldemar, 34 Judge/Commissioner Pro Tempore, Whatcom
County Superior Court, Bellingham, WA
Kristen R. Engman, 37 Instructional Support Teacher, Montgomery
County Public Schools, MD
Michael Fallon, 38 Major, US Army, Camp Stanley, Republic of
John Russell Flatter , 35 Captain, USMC, Arlington, VA
James G. Foggo, III, 38 Commander, USN, The Pentagon, Washington,
Christopher Gebhardt, 29 Police Sergeant, District of Columbia
Police Department, DC
Barry J. Gittleman, 30 Lieutenant, USN, Annapolis, MD
Carlos A. Gonzalez, 37 Attorney, Atlanta, GA
Benjamin Gordon, 32 Ph.D. candidate, Institute of Labor and
Industrial Relations, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Daisy Gordon, 34 MBA candidate, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Nanette Graham, 30 Assistant Professor, College of Criminal
Justice, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Norma Greenfield, 36 Parole Supervisor, Texas Department of
Criminal Justice, San Antonio, TX
Sanjay Gupta, 29 Senior Neurosurgical Resident, University of
Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, MI
Joseph W. Hamell, 36 Attorney, Dorsey & Whitney, Minneapolis, MN
Kevin J. Haney, 38 Lieutenant Commander, USN, MacDill AFB, FL
Richard Harris, 40 Lieutenant Colonel (sel), USAF, Hill AFB, UT
Steven B. Harrison, 32 Captain, USAF, Travis AFB, CA
Hilda R. Heady, 48 Rural Health Administrator, West Virginia
University Medical Corp., Morgantown, WVA
Tisa K. Hughes, 35 Attorney, Ropes & Gray, Boston, MA
Francis J. James, 33 Attorney, Legal Aid of Cambodia, Phnom Penh,
Laurence A. Jarvick, Think-tank Fellow, Capital Research Center,
Washington, DC
Samuel L. Jefferson, Jr., 29 Attorney, Dickstein Shapiro Morin &
Oshinsky, Washington, DC
Jon P. Jennings, 35 Director of Basketball Development, Boston
Celtics, Boston, MA
Rebecca J. Joseph, 34 English teacher, Baltimore City Public
Schools, MD
Jonathan Karp, 33 Editor, Random House, New York, NY
Clifton G. Kellogg, 36 Division President, Shorebank Enterprise,
Chicago Neighborhood Institute, Chicago, IL
Terrence Kelly, 37 Major, US Army, West Point, NY
Richard G. Kidd, IV, 33 International Relations Analyst, ANSER
Consulting, VA
Richard J. Kilroy, Jr., 40 Major, US Army, US Southern Command,
DC Field Office, Arlington, VA
Charles P. Kosak, 32 Consultant, Defense Policy, Washington, DC
Edward M. Lambert, 37 Managing Director, Meridian Ventures, Inc.,
Hilton Head, SC
Nicole V. Lang, 30 Pediatric Resident, Emory University, Atlanta
Shelley A. Lawson, 30 Planning and Development Specialist,
Seattle Water Department, Seattle, WA
Joseph Liu, 31 MPA Candidate, JFK School of Government,
Cambridge, MA
Ignatius L. MacLellan, 38 Attorney, Board of Tax and Land
Appeals, State of New Hampshire, Concord, NH
Curtis M. Masiello, 36 Major, US Army, Fort Drum, NY
William A. Masters, 36 Associate Professor of Agricultural
Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Kevin M. McCoy, 41 Commander, USN, Norfolk Naval Shipyard,
Portsmouth, VA
Oliver G. McGee, III, 40 Visiting Associate Professor,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Jamie F. Metzl, 29 JD Candidate, Harvard Law School, Cambridge,
Thomas Modly , 37 Strategic Consultant, Oxford Associates,
Bethesda, MD
John K. Morrow, 35 Vice President, Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.,
Norcross, GA
Erol Munz, 36 MPA Candidate, JFK School of Government, Cambridge,
Sean E. O'Connor, 36 Lieutenant Commander, USN, The Pentagon,
Washington, DC
Randy A. Parraz, 29 Community Action Coordinator, AFL-CIO,
Washington, DC
Jon M. Peha, 34 Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA
Raul Perez, 29 Attorney, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Los
Angeles, CA
Preston J. Phillips, 35 Orthopaedic Surgeon, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Suzanne J. Prather, 29 Attorney, Welch, Martin, Albano & Manners,
Kansas City, MO
Jeffrey M. Prieto, 37 MPA-URP Candidate, Woodrow Wilson School of
Public and International Affairs, Princeton, NJ
Pedro A. Reina, 31 Director, Puerto Rico Endowment for the
Humanities, San Juan, PR
Darin J. Rice, 34 Ecology Supervisor, Washington State Department
of Ecology, Olympia, WA
Amanda Rivera, 40 Bilingual Program Coordinator, Chicago Public
Schools, Chicago, IL
Pamela M. Roberson, 32 Attorney, The European Commission,
Brussels, Belgium
Peter F. Rundlet, 32 Attorney, NAACP Legal Defense Fund,
Washington, DC
Ferdinand D. Samonte, 36 Major, US Army, Schofield Barracks,
Lois A. Scott, 37 Managing Director, BA Securities, Inc.,
Chicago, IL
Christa M. Singleton, 32 Physician/Policy Analyst, AIDS Policy
Center for Children, Youth and Families, Washington, DC
Clifford A Skelton, 41 Commander, USN, Strike Fighter Squadron
Elizabeth F Skoler, 35 Senior Counsel, Nickelodeon (MTV
Networks), New York, NY
Michael J. Sorrell, 31 Attorney, Jenkens & Gilchrist, Dallas, TX
Stacey D. Steed, 33 Vice President, Fannie Mae, Atlanta, GA
John A. Sullivan, 35 Attorney, McCarrick & Mayer, P.C., New
York, NY
Christopher Thorne, 29 Management Consultant, McKinsey & Co.,
Cleveland, OH
Nhan T. Truong, 29 Ph.D. Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Maretta D. Ward, 28 Attorney, Murphy Pearson Bradley & Feeney,
San Francisco, CA
Glenn T. Ware, 35 Lieutenant Commander, USN, Judge Advocate
Corps, Carrier Group Five
Ronald E. Webb, 32 Vice President for Finance and Investor
Relations, ICF Kaiser International, Inc., Fairfax, VA
Sandra L. Welner, 39 Physician/Consultant on Disability and
Gynecology, Silver Spring, MD
David L. Wessler, 35 Farmer/Agricultural Economist, Lorraine, KS
Robert P. Whalen, Jr., 40 Major, US Army, Tongduchon, Korea
Lucia L. Williams, 40 Physician/President, Womansource P.A.,
Houston, TX
Matice J. Wright, 32 Business Analyst, SRA International, Inc.,
Bowie MD
Roderick C. Zastrow, 35 Major, USAF, Ramstein AB, Germany