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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release December 16, 1996


                       New Transatlantic Agenda:               
              Accomplishments under the Irish Presidency,
                           June-December 1996

We have sought to translate a wide range of U.S.-EU goals into accomplishments in the priority areas identified by the New Transatlantic Agenda (NTA). Our emphasis remains focused on tangible, concrete accomplishments. Over the past six months we have made significant progress on key initiatives.

Intensified Diplomatic Cooperation
-- Support for peace and reconstruction in Bosnia. -- Sustained support for the Middle East Peace Process. -- A joint response to the humanitarian tragedy in Central


Strengthening the Multilateral Trading System; Building the Transatlantic Marketplace
-- Cooperation at the WTO Singapore Ministerial on the

     Information Technology Agreement, eliminating tariffs in 
     this key sector by 2000.
--   Agreement in principle on mutual recognition of 
     certification and testing of products covering over $40 
     billion of trade in sectors such as telecommunications and 
     electrical products.
--   Completing work on a Customs Mutual Cooperation and 
     Assistance Agreement.

Coordinating our Global Assistance
-- Support for democracy in Nicaragua and Benin; assistance for

the new Haitian government.
-- Establishing a network of regional environmental centers in

the New Independent States.

Fighting Crime, Narcotics, Proliferation and Disease -- Cooperation against drug trafficking in the Caribbean,

     addressing regional law enforcement capabilities, marine 
     interdiction, training and intelligence sharing.
--   Building a global surveillance and response network against 
     communicable diseases.

Strengthening Transatlantic Linkages
-- Engaging our business communities through the Transatlantic

     Business Dialogue (TABD)in moving forward our trade agenda 
     and building support for our relationship.

-- Negotiating a Science and Technology Agreement. -- Promoting closer relations among our foreign affairs

agencies through staff exchange.

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