Office of the Press Secretary
Warm greetings to all Americans as we commemorate our nation's 102nd Labor Day holiday.
Each Labor Day we celebrate the accomplishments of our working men and women. Jobs drive our economy and ensure that the blessings of freedom will benefit generations to come. Labor Day is an opportunity to recognize those who began the fight to improve working conditions and labor laws for Americans, as well as those who continue to ensure dignity in the workplace, integrity in our society, and honor in the global marketplace.
This Labor Day, we have much to cheer, including 10 million new jobs created in the past three and a half years and better and safer pensions for 40 million workers and retirees. The Family and Medical Leave Act has permitted countless workers to care for loved ones without fear of losing their jobs or their seniority. And employees are now guaranteed that when they change jobs, they can take their health care coverage with them.
We observe this day knowing that the best is yet to come. Working together, management and labor can improve quality and efficiency, reduce production costs, promote new job opportunities, and ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
As we pause to reflect on the contributions of America's workers, we should remember those who seek a job -- who seek a piece of the American Dream -- and rededicate ourselves to making that dream possible for all Americans to achieve.
Best wishes to all for a memorable holiday.
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