Office of the Press Secretary
Appointment of Special Presidential Envoy on Liberia
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana Howard F. Jeter has been named to replace Ambassador Dane F. Smith as the President's Special Envoy for Liberia. Ambassador Jeter will coordinate U.S. Government efforts to support the peace process in Liberia. He will also work with ECOWAS United Nations representatives and with the international donor community in support of the Liberian peace process. He will continue USG efforts to urge disarmament and demobilization of faction fighters and adequate preparation for the election of a democratic government.
Presently, Ambassador Jeter is leading a U.S. delegation to West Africa for consultations on enhancing the peacekeeping capability of the West African Peacekeeping Force (ECOMOG) and restoring the peace process. Ambassador Jeter will meet with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Chairman Jerry J. Rawlings and will attend the ECOWAS Summit scheduled for July 23-28, in Abuja, Nigeria.
Ambassador Dane Smith will serve as U.S. Ambassador to Senegal.
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