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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release July 11, 1996


The United States condemns the actions by the regime of General Ibrahim Mainassara Bare to interfere with the electoral process and deny Nigerien citizens the right to determine Niger's political future.

By dissolving the independent electoral commission earlier this week, barring observers from vote counting centers and announcing results that were marred by fraud, the military regime has clearly abandoned the path to democracy. Only hours before the results were announced, General Bare committed himself to honoring the will of the Nigerien people. Those words ring hollow today. We are dismayed by the Niger government's apparent unwillingness to adhere to its assurances of an early and transparent transition to democracy.

The United States also remains concerned by reports that military guards have been posted at the homes of opposition party candidates.

In light of these developments, the United States is reviewing its policy towards Niger and our remaining assistance programs. The United States notes that the Nigerien Supreme Court must still validate the announced results and we will monitor the Court's actions closely. The United States reiterates its call for free, fair elections to restore democratic civilian rule to Niger.

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