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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release April 17, 1996



President Clinton today announced his intent to appoint sixteen members to the Commission on United States-Pacific Trade and Investment Policy.

The Commission will be composed of the following individuals, representing business, labor, local government, journalism, and academia:

Morton Bahr of Washington, D.C. is president of the Communications Workers of America and vice president of the AFL-CIO.

Jason S. Berman of Washington, D.C. is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Recording Industry Association of America.

Eugene Eidenberg of California is an advisory director to Hambrecht and Quist, senior advisor to the Carlisle Group, and chairman of the board of directors of LXR Biotechnology, Inc.

James Fallows of Washington, D.C. is the Washington Editor of The Atlantic Monthly and the author of several books, including Looking at the Sun. He has lived in Japan and Malaysia and has worked and traveled extensively in many East Asian countries.

Lawrence M. Johnson of Hawaii is chairman and chief executive officer of Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. and its subsidiary, the Bank of Hawaii.

Kenneth Lewis of Oregon is the retired president of Lasco Shipping Company and a former president of the Port of Portland Commission.

Robert Z. Lawrence of Massachusetts is the Albert L. Williams Professor of International Trade and Investment at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

James C. Morgan of California is chairman and chief executive officer of Applied Materials, Inc.

Harold A. Poling of Michigan is former chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Ford Motor Company.

Ron Sims of Washington state is a member of the Metropolitan King County Council and is chair of the Economic Development and Regional Governance Committee.

Bruce Stokes of Maryland is a senior fellow on the Council on Foreign Relations.

Jackson P. Tai of California is a managing director of J.P. Morgan and chairman of J.P. Morgan's Western U.S. Management Committee. Previously, he served as the company's senior officer for the Asia Pacific region.

Yah Lin Trie of Arkansas is president of Daihatsu International, an international trading company.

Ko-Yung Tung of New York is a partner of O'Melveny & Myers, an international law firm. He is also a member of the firm's Management Committee and the chairman of the Global Practice Group. In addition, he serves as chairman of the Board of Governors of the East-West Center of Honolulu.

Robert A.Wilson, Jr. of North Carolina is vice president and country manager for Thailand and Indochina of Citibank, N.A., Citicorp Finance & Securities (Thailand) Ltd. He also serves as president of the Asia Pacific Chamber of American Commerce.

Meredith Woo-Cumings of Illinois is associate professor of Political Science at Northwestern University and director of Northwestern University's Roundtable on Political Economy.

The Commission on United States-Pacific Trade and Investment Policy was established by Executive Order 12964 in June, 1995 as amended by Executive Order 12987 on January 31, 1996. Formed at the suggestion of Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), the Commission's purpose is to advise the President and the Congress on steps the United States should take to achieve additional significant market access to the Asian-Pacific region. The Commission will focus on expanding U.S. trade and investment with the goal of moving towards achieving better trade relationships in the region and the creation of a maximum number of high-wage jobs in the United States.

The formation of the Commission reflects the position of the Administration that Asia poses significant opportunities for U.S. trade policy in the future. The economies of the Pacific region are the world's most dynamic, growing at three times the rate of the world's established industrial economies. Asia's share of the world's Gross Domestic Product is 25 percent, three times that of only 30 years ago. Pacific nations represent our largest and fastest growing markets.

The Commission will begin its work immediately under the Chairmanship of Kenneth D. Brody and Vice Chairmanship of Clyde Prestowitz. Interested parties may contact the Commission at the Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C. 20508. The Commission's phone number is (202) 395-9679.
