Office of the Press Secretary
EASTER, 1996
Warm greetings to everyone celebrating Easter.
Across America and around the world, Christians gather on Easter Sunday to commemorate the central event in the history of their salvation: the Resurrection of Jesus. This holy day marks that moment in time when good conquered evil, hope overcame despair, and life triumphed over death. Just as spring brings warmth and beauty to the earth after a harsh winter, Easter brings joy and new life to the spirit, reminding us that no mistake or failing of the past can put us beyond the reach of God's mercy.
In this age of great challenge and even greater possibility, Easter's timeless message strengthens us for the tasks before us. As we celebrate in churches and cathedrals, at sunrise services and in family gatherings, we remember that our lives have great purpose and value. We recognize that the life and words of Jesus call us to works of caring and compassion, to giving more than receiving. His death and resurrection are powerful reminders of how God's grace is still at work in the world in which we live today.
Hillary joins me in extending best wishes to all for a wonderful Easter celebration.
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