Office of the Press Secretary
The President today announced his intent to nominate Genta Hawkins Holmes of California, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, as Ambassador to Australia.
Ms. Holmes, who is currently serving as Diplomat-in-Residence at the University of California, Davis, was most recently Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Personnel for the Department of State (1992-95). She became the first U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Namibia following a tour as Deputy Chief of Mission in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (1986-88) and Lilongwe, Malawi (1984-86). Other overseas assignments include Nassau, Paris and Abidjan. Ms. Holmes' first Presidential appointment was as Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs at the Agency for International Development (1979-82).
Ms. Holmes was born in Anadarko, Oklahoma on September 3, 1940. She earned magna cum laude a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Southern California and did graduate studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science on a Rotary International Fellowship. She speaks French and holds a Presidential Superior Honor Award. She is married to Michael Dayton Holmes, a former Marine and Viet Nam veteran.