Office of the Press Secretary
President Clinton has asked the Congress to provide $820 million to support the Bosnian peace process.
The United States and its allies have begun the difficult task of bringing peace to Bosnia. Under the U.S.-brokered agreement that led to the Dayton Peace Accords, U.S. troops have been committed to a multinational force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the United States has pledged help in multinational civilian peace implementation programs.
The requests seek $620 million for Department of Defense operations associated with the NATO-led Bosnia Peace Implementation Force (IFOR) and Operation Deny Flight, and $200 million for civilian implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords.
The security and success of the IFOR mission go hand-in-hand with implementation of all aspects of the Dayton Peace Accords. The planned civilian programs will not only underpin the Dayton Accords but also support IFOR and American troops, enhancing their security as they perform their mission and facilitating their safe and smooth withdrawal upon its completion.
The President designated the $820 million in fiscal 1996 spending as an emergency under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended. In addition, the President proposed to offset this spending fully by rescissions from funds available to the Department of Defense.
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