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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release August 28, 1995
                        ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION

President Clinton announced today his intent to appoint Parker Westbrook to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

Parker Westbrook of Arkansas has been actively involved in historic preservation for many years. He worked on Capitol Hill for 26 years, spending 14 of them working with former Senator J. William Fulbright, before returning home in 1975 to work for former Arkansas Governor David Pryor (now a member of the U.S. Senate). Mr. Westbrook is the President and Restoration Advisor for the Pioneer Washington Restoration Foundation, Chairman of the Arkansas Territorial Restoration Commission, a Member and former Chair of the Arkansas State Review Board's Historic Preservation Program, Advisor Emeritus of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the founding President of the Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas. Mr. Westbrook was awarded the Arkansas Historical Association's Endowed History Award, was recognized in 1986 as "Arkansas's Distinguished Citizen" for his involvement in volunteerism, and was recognized by the Arkansas State Legislature for his support and interest in Arkansas' history and heritage.

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is an independent federal agency which was established in 1966 through the Historic Preservation Act. The Council advises the President and Congress on national historic preservation matters, assesses the effectiveness of state, local and private programs in carrying out the purposes of the National Historic Preservation Act and makes recommendations on how to improve the national historic preservation program. In addition, the Council reviews federally licensed projects that affect properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Its members are also responsible for issuing the President's Historic Preservation Awards.
