Office of the Press Secretary
August 9, 1995
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Subject: The President's OKC Scholarship Fund
The tragic bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City took 168 lives and permanently damaged many more. The families of the dead and injuried, even witnesses and rescue workers, had their lives changed by that irrational and despicable act of violence.
In the aftermath of this national tragedy, however, we can be proud of the abiding strength and resilience demonstrated by the American people. The days and weeks that followed the explosion witnessed an outpouring of love and support for the victims and their families as Americans of every age, region and background rallied to assist them.
A number of Federal agencies and public charities established funds to provide emergency assistance for the bombing victims and their families. However, in addition to the provision of relief for the immediate needs of the victims, I am concerned about providing for the education of the children whose parent or parents died or were serverely disabled as a result of the bombing. Consequently, I have asked the Federal Employee Educatoin and Assistance Fund (the "FEEA"), a private charity, to establish the President's OKC Scholarship Fund (the "Scholarship Fund"), which will be administered as part of its existing Oklahoma Fund, solely for the provision of educational needs of those children.
The Scholarship Fund will accept donations from all sources and 100 percent of all contributions will be distributed for the benefit of the eligible children. The FEEA will establish an advisory board to help direct financial assistance from the Scholarship Fund, to advise the FEEA concerning eligibility criteria, and to provide such information and advice as the Board of Directors of the FEEA may require. As set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the FEEA, either I or my designee will recommend persons for appointment to the Advisory Board.
Those who wish to contribute to the Scholarship Fund should send donations to the FEEA; checks should be earmarked "The President's OKC Scholarship Fund." The FEEA's mailing address is: Suite 200, 8441 West Bowles, Littleton, Colo. 80123.
The Federal family has again come together in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, with contributions of money, clothing, annual leave and even blood. I hope we will be just as generous in supporting the education of the innocent children whose parents were killed or disabled in this terrible act.
I urge each of you to support the Scholarship Fund and encourage your employees to do likewise.