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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release June 22, 1995

President Clinton Appoints 1995-96 White House Fellows

President Clinton today appointed 14 men and women as 1995-96 White House Fellows, including a Minnesota high school teacher, an Arkansas community banker and a Philadelphia prosecutor.

The non-partisan award is based on academic, professional and civic achievement and the class includes nine men and five women from across the country, all working to make a difference in their communities.

The White House Fellows program places these exceptionally talented men and women in full-time paid positions for a year at the White House and cabinet-level agencies. It includes an education program of regular meetings with senior government officials, top business exeuctives, journalists and other leaders. The year begins Sept. 1.

The program's alumni include HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, CNN President Tom Johnson, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, Tenneco CEO Dana Mead, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell.

At a recent White House ceremony celebrating the program's 30th anniversary, the President said:

"One reason the White House Fellows program has worked so well is that it is one of the few things in this intensely partisan town that we've managed to make truly bipartisan. If I could turn it into a virus, I would put it into a shot and give it to everybody who is now working in Washington, D.C."

The nine men and five women appointed today by the President are from the states of Pennsylvania, California, New York, New Mexico, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Texas, Indiana, North Carolina, Minnesota and Arkansas. The 1995-96 White House Fellows are:

Julia C. Vindasius, 33, Pine Bluff, Ark.; executive director of the Good Faith Fund and board member of Pine Bluff Downtown Development Organization.