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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release May 1, 1995


President Clinton today announced his intent to nominate Jacob J. "Jack" Lew to be Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

When confirmed by the Senate, Lew will join John Koskinen, who serves as Deputy Director for Management, as one of two deputies to OMB Director Alice M. Rivlin.

Lew came to OMB in October 1994 as associate director for legislative affairs, where he coordinated OMB's relations with Capitol Hill. Recently, Rivlin elevated him to the position of Executive Associate Director, where he serves as the focal point for activities across OMB.

Prior to joining OMB, Lew served as Special Assistant to President Clinton where, along with developing policy and legislative strategy, he served as the President's congressional liaison to Capitol Hill on health care and national service issues.

Lew began his career in Washington in 1973 as a legislative aide, and became a principal domestic policy advisor to the late House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, Jr. in 1979. He spent nearly eight years at the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee as Assistant Director and then Executive Director.

Lew has also served as an attorney in private practice for five years, Executive Director of the Center for Middle East Research, Issues Director for the Democratic National Committee's Campaign '88, and Deputy Director of the Office of Program Analysis in the city of Boston's Office of Management and Budget.

Lew was born August 29, 1955. He is married and has two children.

A member of the bar in the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Lew earned his J.D. from the Georgetown University Law School and his A.B. from Harvard College.
